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The Beginning Of All Sins novel (Olivia and Tyler) novel Chapter 474

Ana awoke early in the morning and settled onto the couch, a candle casting a soft glow on the table.

Moments later, the spy she had hired arrived and delivered his report, "Ma'am, Ms. Olivia had a high fever last night, and Mr. Tyler tended to her throughout the night upon returning from the fishing village."

Ana smiled, her gaze fixed on the flickering candle.

"So, they spent the night together?" she asked.

Satisfied, she asked further, "Has her fever subsided?"

"It has," came the reply.

Ana's spirits lifted. "Continue to monitor them."

"Understood, Ma'am."


Olivia was roused from her slumber by her ringing phone. Her fever had broken, and with a clear head, she reached for her device. She sat up and hesitated before answering, recognizing the caller.

Ana's voice came through, "Are you awake?"

Olivia felt a twinge of anxiety. She quickly responded, "Yes, Mom."

Ana's tone was not as harsh as the previous day. "Good. And Tyler?"

Uncertain how to explain Tyler's absence, Olivia faltered.

Ana persisted, "I've arranged for breakfast. Share it with Tyler."

Olivia nervously bit her lip.

"I'm trying to mend things between you two. Don't miss this opportunity. If you ignore me again, consider the consequences."


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