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The Beginning Of All Sins novel (Olivia and Tyler) novel Chapter 494

The psychiatrist examined Olivia and announced his prognosis. "She seems to have undergone intense psychological shock, causing her to suffer from sudden amnesia and mutism."

"What did you say?!" Tyler said, his face locked into a frown.

Everyone in the room stared at Olivia shrinking into herself at the corner of the bed.

"We suggest further psychological evaluation to be more certain, but one thing is quite noticeable: she seemed to have undergone quite the extreme shock to have ended up like this."

There was a brief silence before Alsia suddenly burst into tears. "How did this happen?! She was fine just this morning!"

Camilla widened her eyes in disbelief.

"Will she recover from this?" Tyler asked hoarsely.

He was unable to control his emotions. He cast his eyes down and tried to will himself into calming down. He balled his fists hard enough that one could hear his knuckles pop.

"We don't know if this is permanent or temporary. We can only suggest immediate treatment," the doctor answered.

Tyler took a deep breath. "Understood."

The OB-GYN, psychiatric, and psychological department heads gathered in Olivia's room. They discussed among themselves for a moment before leaving quietly.

Tyler and the others were still reeling from the prognosis.

The room was silent. All anyone could hear was their labored breathing.

Camilla looked at Olivia and wondered how on Earth this was going to be solved. She felt bad for Olivia.

"W-What are we going to…" she asked aloud, suddenly unable to complete her sentence.

No one had expected the quiet, gentle Olivia to turn out this way. Olivia used to space out sometimes, but nothing else about her suggested anything else!

Tyler loosened his hands and seemingly returned to calm. "Let's proceed with more psychological examination."

"R-Right," Camilla stammered. "I'll prepare every document needed."

She hurried out of the ward as Tyler looked at Olivia, his gaze intense.

Alisa dared not get close to Olivia. She just sobbed at a distance.


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