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The Beginning Of All Sins novel (Olivia and Tyler) novel Chapter 507

Olivia was staring blankly ahead, not moving a muscle.

"He's your husband. Do you know that?"

There was no recognition in her eyes; they were completely empty.

"Do you..." Stephen began, but Tyer cut him off sharply, "Stop asking."

Stephen glanced at him, understanding why Tyler wanted to stop the questions. Repeating them only seemed to confirm that Olivia had completely forgotten him, and that was frustrating.

Stephen explained, "This is normal. We need to repeat the questions to help her remember, to strengthen her connection with you."

Tyler listened but remained silent.

Accepting the pause in questioning, Stephen began to counsel Olivia. Tyler sat quietly, observing her reactions, or rather, the lack of them. Olivia seemed lost, unresponsive to Stephen's words, as if her soul had vanished.

Later, when Tyler left the room, he ran into Ana.

"How is she, Tyler?" she asked, an unusual concern in her voice.


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