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The Beginning Of All Sins novel (Olivia and Tyler) novel Chapter 92

Chapter 92 

Tyler went on, Also, bring some antiinflammatory ointment.” 

The maid went downstairs right away

Turning his attention back to Olivia, he walked into her room and said, Why didn’t you answer the door, hmm?” 

Olivia remained silent, offering no response

Tyler tried again, Don’t you want to eat?His voice remained flat, not as cold as it had been with the 


Just then, the maid returned with the first aid kit. Tyler instructed her, You can leave after placing it 

on the table.” 

Without hesitation, the maid left the room

Once they were alone, Tyler picked up the first aid kit and approached Olivia’s bedside. He reached for the antiinflammatory ointment and began to open it. I was the one who decided to keep the cat. It’s my problem. I’ve dealt with it.” 

As he prepared to apply the ointment to her face, Olivia instinctively moved away, dodging his touch

Tyler paused, frowning as he looked at her

Olivia looked frail as she softly said, I’m fine, Tyler. I just don’t feel like eating, that’s all.She maintained a certain distance from him, seemingly reluctant to let him get closer

Tyler observed her closely, his gaze unwavering. After a lengthy pause, he asked, Are you angry with 


Olivia spoke softly, No, don’t misunderstand, Tyler.” 

Tyler fixed his eyes on her, his voice soft yet tinged with displeasure as he said, Olivia.” 

She kept her head down, avoiding eye contact

Suppressing his emotions, Tyler said softly, I’m sorry, Olivia. It’s my fault. Please don’t make it difficult. Can I apply the ointment to help with the swelling?” 

Olivia instinctively moved away again, putting more distance between them

Tyler let out a subtle sigh, placing the ointment back down. “Do you think I shouldn’t have gotten rid of the cat?” 

Her lips trembled slightly as she replied, I really didn’t think that.” 

With patience, Tyler told her, I understand that it may not have been the cat’s fault. Can you stop being mad?” 

Chapter 92 


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