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The Beguiled Bond novel Chapter 9

Excitement shot right through me as I saw the palace from afar to this road I was at. At last, I'll be back to my job and I will surely find myself to know everything. I'm still confused as to where the pack I belonged to before Storm's parents took care of me.

The royal library holds the answers I am going to look for. I haven't been to the royal library ever since I was promoted as a battle commander. I always passed by it every time I patrolled around the palace. If I get a chance to have my off, I shall take the opportunity to enter the library.

"Commander, we have arrived."

I snapped back to reality upon the coachman's announcement. A royal carriage servant opened the royal carriage door for me. I smiled at him, thanking him.

As I stepped out, a young man approached me and saluted me. I made a salute at him. He was wearing a cutaway coat and glasses on his eyes. "Greetings, Royal Commander Rachelle Simon. My name is Avedon Pillar, the junior courtier of the Grand Alpha King," he introduced. "Pleasure to meet you, commander."

I nodded. "The pleasure is mine," I said with a mixture of the tone of formal. He must be the one I was hearing who managed to pass the examination to be the courtier of the Grand Alpha King having the highest grade over all the history of valet de chambre examination.

"I will ask the royal servants to bring all your belongings to your quarters, commander." I nodded as a reply. "Also, Fleet Admiral Francisco y Selvia orders me to take you to the royal conference room upon your arrival."

I remained a passive expression. I just arrived and the Fleet Admiral wants to speak with me. What I worried about is I am not wearing my battle suit. I felt like I was meeting him informally. In the end, I nodded at him. "Take me to him," I ordered.

"Yes, commander."

I was greeted by a ton of salute whenever I passed by the hallway until I arrived at my destination. I stared at the gold-coated wooden door for a moment before I nodded at Avedon deciding that he must open it.

I entered the room and was greeted by the Fleet Admiral and the Grand Alpha King. Avedon and I bowed our heads before the Grand Alpha King Claudian Alexander III. I raised my head and quietly observed the room looking for the Alpha King Claudian Alexander IV, son of the Grand Alpha King. I haven't seen it even once the Alpha King. I hadn't gotten a chance to see his coronation as the Alpha King last month. My vacation in my brother's pack lasted for two months. Shame that I didn't get a chance to see the new Alpha King. I only knew he was crowned when Storm told me the news. Plus, I wasn't invited so there is no chance I could go to the coronation. What I have known to the king in front of me was his son is still in isolation for training and is not allowed to be seen by other people.

"Greetings, Your Majesty, Fleet Admiral," I greeted them formally. The former Alpha King has now granted a new title of Grand Alpha King but his son, the Alpha King, will remain the highest rank and rule his kingdom. "I am here to report my arrival."

"I am so glad you are here now, Rachelle," the Grand Alpha King said with a smile, sitting on his favorite chair. "Have you found your mate yet?" My face turned sour and I didn't answer him. He laughed heartily. "You are really allergic when it comes to mate topics."

I frowned. The Grand Alpha King really liked to tease me when it comes to this mate topic. He is like a father to me and he sees me as his daughter. "You never changed, old man." I snorted.

"Commander Simon!" Fleet Admiral Franz scolded. "Know your place. Don't disrespect the Grand Alpha."

I bowed my head and was about to apologize when the Grand Alpha King chuckled. "Calm down, Francisco. Rachelle is still not on his duty to let her talk to me like I'm one of the ordinary people."

"But Grand Alpha..." The old man cocked his brow at him and the admiral silenced. "Pardon me..."

He chuckled. "Avedon, you can take your leave. Thank you for bringing Commander Rachelle here."

"Your wish is my command, Your Majesty." Then Avedon left.

Chapter Ten: Vacation Ends 1

Chapter Ten: Vacation Ends 2


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