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The Billionaire Who Stole My Heart novel Chapter 1043

"Ugh—" Brittany sensed his impatience as she wrapped her arms around his neck, planting a conciliatory kiss on his lips.

Even in the pitch darkness, she could feel Isaac's irritation.

"I bumped into Willard by chance."

She didn't even like Willard.

Isaac was worrying over nothing.

Isaac knew she didn't like Willard, but that didn't stop his jealousy, "Try to stay away from Willard from now on!"

Brittany obediently nodded: "I've missed you so much."

Waking up to find Isaac gone that morning left her feeling unexpectedly forlorn.

They were supposed to be inseparable.

Isaac's heart softened at her words, loosening his hold slightly as a fierce longing ignited within him: "Just wait a bit longer, we'll be able to go home soon."

He and Elijah had vowed to clear the Ulbricht family’s name.

Once that was done, he could reveal his true identity, and then, he could openly be with Brittany.

Brittany, not wanting to blame him, leaned against his chest: "So, when will we see each other next?"

She didn't even have his contact information.

It wasn't that Isaac didn't want to stay in touch; he simply didn't want to drag her down: "Just wait a bit longer."

Brittany, disheartened, felt her eyes well up slightly.

Isaac bent down to kiss her in the darkness, finding her lips with unerring accuracy, whispering soothingly: "I'll come to see you whenever I can."

Brittany knew he was doing his best, her hands clutching at his shirt, eager: "Okay."

Their kiss lingered in the darkness, and after a moment, Isaac reluctantly pulled away, his warm fingertips tracing her lips: "I've got to deal with something tonight. Head back early, have the Lynette family pick you up, and be careful on your way."

He paused: "My contact is..."

"If you need me, just message, though I might not always reply."

Brittany felt a wave of sweetness, nodding: "Okay."


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