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The Billionaire Who Stole My Heart novel Chapter 1058

Ronald couldn't believe his ears when she accepted his offer with a light laugh, "Alright then."

After they returned to the room, Kari handed Ronald one of the suites.

Growing up, times were tough for them.

They often shared a room, with Ronald on the bunk bed below and Kari on the top.

As Ronald grew older and the differences between genders became more pronounced, he moved into the storeroom for privacy.

Kari wasn't exactly comfortable being alone with men.

But Ronald had a knack for reading people and always knew how to keep things appropriate.

After freshening up, he changed into a pair of light grey jeans and a casual shirt, taking Kari downstairs.

The hotel boasted its own diner, filled with a dazzling array of dishes.

Kari had a boundless affection for good food.

Ronald trailed behind her, perfectly in step.

Together, they were quite the sight, drawing many an admiring glance.

Though Ronald seemed cool and collected, his attention was solely on Kari, making it clear she was spoken for, warding off any potential suitors.

Captivated by the culinary delights, Kari stood before the food counter, discussing her choices with the chef.

Ronald watched on, a slight smile playing on his lips.


A male voice cut through the air.

Kari's train of thought derailed as she looked up to find Nathan standing not too far off.

Since Isaac's incident, Nathan had vanished from the scene.

It had been nearly a year since Kari last saw him. Her grip on the tray tightened ever so slightly before she casually grabbed some food and hurried off.

A hurt expression briefly crossed Nathan's face.


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