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The Billionaire Who Stole My Heart novel Chapter 1081

Yuri had long since stopped feeling the deep pang of grief.

After all, it had been over twenty years since Julie had passed away. Over those two decades, he'd gotten used to the absence, the waiting, the void left by Julie.

But certain days, like today, made it hard not to feel a touch of sadness, a whisper of what could have been if Julie were still here to share life with him and Brittany.

The Lynette Family Cemetery was vast, a sprawling expanse of history and memories, mostly visited by members of the Lynette lineage.

Julie's headstone was a labor of love personally overseen by Yuri.

Majestic yet solemn.

Understated yet powerful.

Daniel approached the grave, his legs giving way beneath him as he knelt with a soft thud.

He carefully opened a picnic basket, taking out a piece of pumpkin pie, gingerly setting it down.

"Grandma, it's me, Daniel. I came to visit you."

His voice had lost its babyish lilt, edging more into the realm of a young man's.

Brittany, standing a short distance away, held a bouquet of autumn chrysanthemums. She placed them by the grave, squatting down slightly, "Mom, Daniel, Dad, and I are doing really well. You can rest easy knowing that."

Yuri's gaze remained fixed on the headstone throughout, a mix of sorrow and contemplation in his eyes.

Brittany chattered away about recent happenings to Julie as if she could hear, then took Daniel by the hand, preparing to leave. She paused, turning back to Yuri, "Dad, if there’s anything you’d like to say, now's the time. We'll be outside."


Brittany and Daniel slowly walked away, leaving Yuri alone with his thoughts.

Yuri crouched, his fingers tracing the photo on the tombstone, his eyes filled with regret, "Julie, I'm sorry. I've let Bri face hardships—"

The smiling face on the tombstone seemed to echo the memories he cherished.

He blamed himself. If only he had been stronger, perhaps Brittany wouldn't have had to face threats or been pushed into an engagement with Eltham.

As Brittany and Daniel exited the cemetery, they bumped into Derek Bishop, who had come for his own visit.

"Bro, when did you get back?"


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