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The Billionaire Who Stole My Heart novel Chapter 82

Brittany's vision was all hazy, she struggled mightily and somehow managed to break free from the ropes.

She looked back and there was a brick behind her! She swiftly picked it up and smacked it against the man who was on top of her!


The man got a bloody head, holding his wound, he yelled furiously.

"Damn it, control her!"

Brittany's feet were still tied up, no time to untie, so she grabbed the brick and whacked at the other guys, "Back off, don't touch me!"

Her eyes were bloodshot, her dress was still somewhat intact.

A few thugs laughed, "This lady's got quite the temper, seems like we need to teach her a lesson!"

They rushed her, Brittany picked her moment, whacked them hard with the brick, left them reeling. Just as she was catching her breath, she was sneak attacked from behind, a club hit her on the back of the neck. Everything went black, she collapsed!

"You dare attack us, this is what you get!"

Severe pain was shooting up from Brittany's neck, she held her neck, eyes bloodshot, "Stay away—"

The thugs smirked, and lunged at her!

Brittany's eyes were wide with fear, rather die than be violated by these scumbags!


A heavy object hit the ground, followed by a man's steady and forceful footsteps.

Isaac didn't expect the Dustin family to actually dare go this far, he's been trained since childhood, so these thugs were no match for him!

In just a few minutes, the place was a complete mess.

Brittany opened her eyes, and the next second, she was in a warm embrace.

Before she could feel touched, the man's angry words hit her, "Brittany, you're such an idiot, you actually believed what the Dustin family said!"

Knowing full well the Dustin family were up to no good, she still took the risk!

Brittany's neck was in agonizing pain, she felt wronged and sad after being scolded, "I was prepared."

She had planned everything, if she couldn't get away, Hannah would come to her rescue.

She just didn't expect that Robert also arranged thugs to violate her!

Isaac noticed her unusual behavior, a hint of murderous intent flashed in his eyes, he picked her up, "To the hospital."

"No, to the competition site."

Brittany shook her head, "I still have a performance to finish."


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