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The Billionaire Who Stole My Heart novel Chapter 901

Chapter 901 

For some reason, Brittany felt an inexplicable discomfort at the mention of the name 

Saskia Lynette. 

“Ophelia’s husband is a distant cousin of the Lynette family; Saskia has to call him cousin,” Ysabel explained. 

“Previously, the Lynette family wanted to buy out the studio, but I refused. Just be careful these days,” Ysabel warned. 

Yuri Lynette was notoriously tough to deal with, and Brittany certainly didn’t want to cross the Lynettes. 

“Don’t worry, Ysabel, I’ll stay out of trouble,” Brittany reassured her, fully aware that Ysabel had her best interests at heart. 

Knowing that Brittany was sharp as a tack, Ysabel changed the subject, and they moved on to more pleasant conversation. 

The wedding reception hadn’t started yet. 

Isaac and Xavier stood together, two men of exceptional caliber, attracting the attention of 

many guests. 

While Isaac rarely ventured into Craneville, his striking good looks were impossible to ignore. Combined with a natural air of aristocracy, it was evident that he was from a distinguished family. 

Xavier, with his towering reputation in Craneville, was greeted by many, each trying to discern Isaac’s identity. 

Xavier kept it discreet, mentioning only that Isaac was a friend, which naturally piqued 

further interest. 

Given Xavier’s reputation for being hard to get along with, someone who could befriend him had to be of significant stature. 

Yet, Isaac’s face was unfamiliar in Craneville, stirring up curiosity about his origins. 

The wedding had drawn a number of esteemed guests, notably including the young princess of Craneville’s royal family. 

Despite its modernity, Craneville still maintained its monarchy, with the royal family wielding supreme power. 

Adorned in opulent court dress, with sparkling eyes and a radiant smile, the princess found herself irresistibly drawn to Isaac, transfixed by his cool, distinguished elegance. 

Her maid whispered, “Your Highness, he must not be from Craneville.” 



Chapter 901 

Had he been a local, such a remarkable man would not have gone unnoticed. 

While maintaining decorum, the princess nodded, “Look into his identity.” 

Isaac, unperturbed by the attention from the ladies, acknowledged their greetings with 


Noticing the princess among the crowd, he nodded in acknowledgment, exchanging a silent greeting. 

She caught sight of the ring on his finger, momentarily taken aback. 

Such a handsome man was already married? 

Just as the princess was about to speak, her maid exclaimed, “Your Highness, the Queen is on the phone.” 

Interrupted, the princess had to follow her maid away. 

Unaware, Isaac didn’t realize he’d become an object of fascination. 

Brittany and Ysabel descended the stairs, returning to their respective husbands’ sides. 

“How did it go?” inquired Isaac. 

“Very well, I extended our congratulations,” Brittany responded with a warm smile. 

The wedding ceremony began in earnest. 

Ophelia and the groom became the center of attention, all eyes upon them. 

Brittany, a veteran of many friends’ weddings, was well-versed in the proceedings. 


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