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The Billionaire Who Stole My Heart novel Chapter 926

"Firstly, tonight’s welcome banquet is to welcome my daughter into the family. And secondly, I wish to declare to all present that upon my passing, my entire estate shall automatically be transferred to my daughter, Brittany!"


The room erupted in a chorus of gasps and murmurs.

Leila, unable to maintain any semblance of decorum, turned a shade deeper with fury. She even thought to argue her case but was promptly restrained by the butler.

"Madam, this is Mr. Lynette's decision. It's best not to interfere," he advised calmly.

Leila's eyes flashed with rage. Juliana had stolen Yuri from her all those years ago, and now that little wretch was about to snatch away all of Yuri's wealth. How could she ever accept this?

Brittany herself was stunned by Yuri's bombshell announcement.

The guests whispered and speculated among themselves, their attitudes towards Brittany noticeably shifting.

Yuri and Brittany mingled through the crowd until the dinner party wrapped up, after which Brittany approached him. "Mr. Lynette, was what you said earlier true?"

"Yes," Yuri replied, his gaze softening. "You are my only child, my most cherished. Everything I have is yours."

He spoke with earnest, "I've been unaware of your existence for many years and have failed you in so many ways. Aside from my estate, there's nothing else I can leave you."

Brittany felt an unfamiliar tightness in her throat and, on impulse, embraced Yuri, whispering, "Dad."

She had longed for a father's love, something she had never received. Robert Dustin had always treated her with disdain, like she was nothing!

But Yuri, he truly saw her as his daughter!


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