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The Billionaire Who Stole My Heart novel Chapter 956

The butler didn't dare move.

Mrs. Metzger smashed her coffee mug onto the hardwood floor. "Well? What are you waiting for? Get moving!"

When Mrs. Metzger spoke, people listened.

The butler immediately notified Jonathan's father Brian Metzger and the extended Metzger family. The family gathered in no time.

Brian Metzger's face was a stormy shade of thunder. "Are you sure about this?"

Jonathan stood firm. "Dad, please just grant me this one thing."


After regaining her composure, Mrs. Metzger's breathing was ragged. "Remove his name from our family record. From this day forth, Jonathan is no longer a Metzger! Jonathan, don't you dare set foot in this house again!" Mrs. Metzger hissed venomously. "Not even if I'm on my deathbed!"

"Mom…" Panic seized Jonathan. He had expected his parents to cave, but they were actually cutting him off!


At Mrs. Metzger's command, the security guards escorted Jonathan out and dumped him on the curb.

Mrs. Metzger had always been strong, but now she seemed on the verge of breaking. She covered her face, weeping. "Where did I go wrong to raise such a good-for-nothing…"

Brian wrapped his arms around her, trying to soothe her. "Don't cry. He'll learn his lesson and come crawling back."

But Mrs. Metzger just kept crying.

As word of Jonathan's disinheritance spread like wildfire, Ophelia's warnings became futile. One by one, people took their turns- Jonathan's career hit a brick wall.

Upon hearing the news, Saskia lost all hope in Jonathan. With Leila fanning the flames, her dates with the wealthy scion became more frequent. Rumors even spread of a scandalous hotel rendezvous.

The news distracted Jonathan at work, and he ended up with a scalding soup down his front, landing him in the hospital. He kept calling Saskia but never got a response.



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