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The Billionaire Who Stole My Heart novel Chapter 984

Memory loss?

Saskia froze in her tracks. She replayed the recent past in her mind: Jonathan’s rejection, his aversion… It all made sense now. He had amnesia, completely wiped her from his memory. No wonder he had suddenly married Ophelia!

It had to be the Metzger family's doing. Otherwise, how could Jonathan possibly give her up?

Fearing discovery, Saskia turned and hurried upstairs to the bathroom.

Meanwhile, a group of men dressed in black suits silently infiltrated the wedding reception. The leader clutched a photo in his hand—it was of Brittany.

"The buyer's clear. We need to take her and have her out of the country within three days!"

"Yes, sir!"

The men quickly dispersed to carry out their mission.


Brittany had downed a few glasses of wine and was starting to feel it.

Isaac, at her side, noticed the flush behind her ears and suggested, "Maybe you should have some honey lemon water?"

"No need," Brittany shook her head. "I'll just pop to the ladies' room."

The alcohol was making her feel bloated.

Isaac wanted to follow, but Dominic stopped him with a call.

Upon reaching the restroom, Brittany felt tipsy. She stayed inside for nearly half an hour, trying to sober up, before finally standing up and leaving the stall.

The restroom was deserted. She leaned over the sink, scooping up a handful of water, trying to wash away the dizziness caused by the alcohol.

Suddenly, the lights went out.

The water cupped in her hands acted like a mirror, and through its reflection, Brittany saw a group of figures appear behind her!

Before she could react, a pair of hands covered her mouth, and the pungent smell of ether flooded her nostrils.

The world spun upside down, and she caught a glimpse of a figure standing not far away. The person's face was calm, but their eyes were filled with contempt.


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