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The Billionaire's Regret. novel Chapter 2

Coming out of her thoughts, She turned her attention to Julian. "This prank is way too expensive."

He chuckled, "You think I'm pranking you?"

"This is probably just another of your tricks to make me go out with you even after I told you I'm not interested."

Julian laughed, "You're so full of yourself. Aren't you?"

"Then this doesn't make any sense to me!"

"Not that I want to brag but I'm literally one of the most hardworking staff this company has. I do my work diligently, I mind my business, and I'm on good terms with everyone, why the hell would I deserve a sack letter?"

Julian chuckled, "You sure you're on good terms with everyone? The Boss asked me to prepare the sack letter."

"What? Oscar?"

He nodded,

"No, that can't be true!" She shook her head, trying to shake off all that Julian was saying.

"Why? Because you're fucking him?"

Victoria's heart stopped.

"Please don't give me that look. You think no one's gonna ever find out?"

"You pretend to be a saint by refusing to go out with me, now look at you?"

At this point, Victoria's eyes felt itchy but she tried her best to hold back her tears.

"You know nothing about me and I'll request you keep your mouth shut before throwing silly allegations at my face."

Julian shrugged, "whatever makes you sleep at night, dear. The order was from the Boss. You're sincerely fired "

"How's that even possible? The letter didn't say why I was fired."

"You sure? You didn't see the grounds of misconduct there?"

"What misconduct? I've literally dedicated my whole life to this company. I work my ass off every time too?"

"Fucking the Boss?!"

"You're nothing but a piece of shit!"

"For someone who just got sacked, you have some balls!"

She glared at him, didn't bother taking the document she placed earlier on his table, and took her leave.

"If you said Yes to me, I would have tried to negotiate with the boss to see..." He didn't even finish his statement when she slammed the door.

Getting outside Julian's office with tear-filled eyes, Vicky unlocked her phone and dialed Oscar's number. She brought the phone to her ear, waiting patiently for him to answer. Her call went to voicemail but that didn't stop her from trying again. This time around he cut the call from his end. She dialed his number again and got the same response.

"Oh my God!" She sniffled, trying to get her shit together. She was so damn worried but was trying not to look like it.

Since he wasn't answering her call, Vicky decided to go look for him in his office.

"Is Mr. Wayde in the office?" She asked Dora the moment she got back to her floor.

"No ma'am. He hasn't been to work this morning."

"Are you sure? What about his assistants?"

"They aren't here, either."

Knowing that was so unlike Oscar, Vicky unlocked her phone again and dialed his number..

"There they are, ma'am" Her eyes darted at the entrance of the floor and truly she saw Oscar. He literally just came out of the elevator and as usual, his two assistants and bodyguards were walking behind him, and beside him was a light-skinned lady. She looked like someone that was brought out of a model magazine. Not only did she have flawless skin, she was really pretty, her hair was stylishly done and she was putting on one of those rich designer dresses.

Vicky's heart fell the moment she sighted her laughing with Oscar as they came in like they both owned the company.

Chapter 2 1


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