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The Billionaire’s Secret Quartet novel Chapter 1397

Even if Zephyr loathed Thalassa, it was out of the question to gamble with Lysander's well-being.

Yet Zephyr couldn't shake his mistrust of Thalassa. To ensure Lysander's safety, he felt compelled to have someone keep eyes on Thalassa around the clock.

"Alright, I agree!" Thalassa replied promptly upon hearing Zephyr's terms.

With a heavy heart, Zephyr turned and began his ascent up the staircase. Each step seemed more burdensome than the last, his weary frame struggling against the gravity of his situation.

His body was worn and weak, but he mustered all the strength he could not to collapse.

Lysander was in dire need of him now, and if he faltered, it would be as if he were abandoning his boy to fate.

So, no matter how exhausted or feeble he felt, Zephyr couldn't let himself fall.

Watching Zephyr climb the stairs, Thalassa's previously tightened heart began to unwind, and her tense body suddenly went limp, collapsing into a more relaxed state.

Witnessing her relief, Joshua rushed to her aid. "Thalassa, get up. Zephyr has given his word!" he exclaimed, his usually composed demeanor giving way to excitement.

Joshua, who had always been the epitome of elegance, having seen much of the world, was visibly moved. He had tensed up seeing Thalassa kneel, fearing Zephyr would be a tough nut to crack, but thankfully Zephyr had consented in the end.

Perhaps it was because Zephyr loved Lysander so deeply that he would not let slip even the slightest chance that might awaken his grandson.

With Joshua's support, Thalassa stood up with shaky legs. She wobbled a bit when putting weight on her feet, prompting Joshua to steady her quickly.

Once Thalassa was stable, she turned her gaze toward the person aiding her, ready to say thanks, but when she realized it was Joshua, and that a man she hardly knew was this close to her, a wave of discomfort and alienation washed over her.

She withdrew her hand quickly, stepping back to keep some distance, and said with a strained and distant look, "Thank you."


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