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The Billionaire’s Secret Quartet novel Chapter 1707

It was common knowledge that Lysander and Rosalind were engaged and destined to tie the knot. Lysander's defense of Rosalind was expected, but when reality hit, Thalassa's sense of loss was more profound than she had anticipated.

As she sat, the buzz of the fashion show began to fill the air.

Models, each sporting a number tag, strutted onto the runway, showcasing the glittering jewelry designed by a slew of talented designers. The tags they wore matched the designers' entries, connecting each piece of jewelry to its creator.

With each model's walk, Thalassa found her attention shifting, her eyes keenly observing the craftsmanship and creativity of each piece. The event was a melting pot of talent, with jewelry ranging from vibrant and colorful to quirky and avant-garde, some even exuding a strong cultural vibe.

"Wow, everyone here is so talented," Thalassa couldn't help but marvel.

Then, another model took to the stage, draped in a stunning strapless blue gown, her neck, ears, fingers, and wrists adorned with matching sapphire jewelry. Her confident catwalk caught everyone's eye, not just for the mesmerizing blue that shone under the spotlight, but also for her impeccable figure.

Thalassa's heart skipped a beat, her nerves taut. The model was showcasing her design.

But it wasn't just the runway debut of her work that had Thalassa on edge—it was the model herself, Susan!

Despite the heavy makeup, Thalassa recognized her immediately. Susan, the woman who had kidnapped her and vanished without a trace, had somehow made a bold appearance at the jewelry design competition.

After the ordeal, Thalassa had gone to the police, hoping to see Susan apprehended. But the police had no leads—Susan had disappeared. And now, here she was, walking the runway.

Thalassa watched, her body tense, as Susan approached the edge of the catwalk, her smile radiant and full of confidence.

As Susan neared, her eyes met Thalassa's. There was a brief moment of stiffness in her expression, but she quickly recovered, maintaining the professional smile of a model and continued her walk.

Reaching the end of the runway, Susan posed, showcasing the jewelry. As she turned to walk back, disaster struck. Her foot twisted awkwardly.

"Ah!" Susan's cry echoed through the venue as she fell, the ring on her hand breaking, the sapphire dislodging, and even the stones from her earrings scattering across the stage.

The audience gasped in shock.

Someone yelled, "The ring just broke, and the earrings' stones flew off! Is this some kind of plastic design? Are we playing pretend at a kindergarten show?"

The incident turned the sophisticated event into a scene straight out of a daytime drama, leaving Thalassa, and everyone else, in utter disbelief.


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