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The Bond Between Us novel Chapter 158

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In Chapter 158 of The Bond Between Us novel, the narrative takes a riveting turn, plunging readers deeper into the intricacies of Anastasia and Herman's evolving relationship. As the couple grapples with the shocking revelation of their shared past, the town of Riverdale becomes a backdrop for both confrontations and moments of quiet introspection.

Chapter 158 opens with Anastasia attempting to piece together the fragments of her forgotten memories, haunted by the striking resemblance of their daughter to a past she never knew she had. The quaint charm of Riverdale transforms into a landscape of uncertainty as Herman, determined to unearth the truth, confronts Anastasia with questions that demand answers. 

As soon as Lauren heard that Anastasia had finished her design sketches, she excitedly exclaimed, "Let me have a peek! I bet you've got some mad design skills."

Anastasia booted up her computer, showcasing her design sketches, which spanned from earrings to necklaces, rings, and bracelets.

Anastasia's designs primarily featured simplicity, every piece looked unique and carried a vintage flair.

Anastasia dove into detailed explanations of each design. "This ring, I've used a couple of beads as the points of connection. For these earrings, I've incorporated a flower called the 'Red Spider Lily', also known as the 'Love Flower', symbolizing unwavering love."

Continuing, Anastasia said, "The Red Spider Lily carries a heart-wrenching story that can bring tears to your eyes. I know Wendy's daughter is a huge fan of vintage stuff and has a ton of vintage clothes at home, so I've added elements of vintage into each design. These accessories would look bomb with vintage outfits."

Lauren started to admire Anastasia. "Anastasia, how do you know so much? I'm a jewelry designer too, but I don't have nearly as many ideas in my noggin."

Anastasia replied, "Most jewelry designers design according to their personal preference and style. Not everyone has the same taste as us. Since this is a custom piece, it should meet the needs of the clients."

"You're spot on," Lauren admitted. "Many famous designers only consider their own style and preference and often overlook the needs of their clients. Anastasia, Wendy will definitely be thrilled with these designs."

Anastasia smiled and said, "These are just some doodles, Wendy isn't my client. I'm just a regular employee. Enough of this, let's grab some grub, I'm starved."

"But we just had breakfast..."

"I didn't eat breakfast." Anastasia craftily diverted Lauren.

All that chatter was intentionally for the ears of those lurking in the corners. How else would they get their opportunity if they didn't leave?

Anastasia dragged Lauren into another room for some chit-chat, effectively killing time and giving the thief ample opportunity to snatch the design sketches.

Lauren, always spontaneous at work, brought up, "Anastasia, are you free tonight? Fancy going to a cocktail party with me?"

"What cocktail party?" Anastasia had only been to high-end functions with Monica and wasn't really familiar with this sort of thing.

"It's a cocktail party hosted by WOW Corporation. It's a networking opportunity, and I heard the CEO of Elysian Technologies will be there too."


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