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The Bond Between Us novel Chapter 257

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In Chapter 257 of The Bond Between Us novel, the narrative takes a riveting turn, plunging readers deeper into the intricacies of Anastasia and Herman's evolving relationship. As the couple grapples with the shocking revelation of their shared past, the town of Riverdale becomes a backdrop for both confrontations and moments of quiet introspection.

Chapter 257 opens with Anastasia attempting to piece together the fragments of her forgotten memories, haunted by the striking resemblance of their daughter to a past she never knew she had. The quaint charm of Riverdale transforms into a landscape of uncertainty as Herman, determined to unearth the truth, confronts Anastasia with questions that demand answers. 

Anyone would've hit the roof hearing about something like this, let alone when it happened to someone Anastasia knew. She was absolutely livid. Her anger came in waves at the police station. If she hadn't kept a lid on it, she might've done more than just vent a little.

Herman said, "That's human nature. You can't look down on it or hype it up too much."

Anastasia looked at him and teased, "Oh, the philosopher's spouting wisdom again." His wisdom never seemed to run out.

He chuckled and asked, "What do you feel like eating tonight?"

"Not in the mood." Anastasia had no appetite. She suddenly remembered something and said, "Oh yeah, Alessia from our sales department got promoted to supervisor. They're throwing a celebration dinner on Friday and invited me. They even asked me to bring my other half. Are you free that day?"

Herman couldn't possibly show up to an event like that. It would blow his cover. With an apologetic tone, he said, "I have a business trip to Crescent Bay on Friday morning. I won't be back till the weekend."

Anastasia was a bit disappointed, "I see. Well, that's okay." She hadn't taken Herman to any other gatherings except for a school reunion.

Seeing her disappointment, he smiled and said, "I'll bring you back a present from the trip."

"I don't need any presents. You're working hard on your trips, I feel bad if you have to buy me something." Anastasia said, "Alessia is back to work, and my mom's foot should be okay by now. I think I'll start working next week too."

Anastasia didn't want Herman to be the only one working hard. Victor was paying her a good salary, and she wouldn't be able to justify not working. She had it all planned out. She'd get up early to make lunch for Pattie and her mom, and get back early to make dinner after work. It should work out just fine.

"Just do what makes you happy." Herman said, "You'll get bored at home. It's good to get out and work."

Anastasia grinned, hooking her arm through Herman's, "Then it's settled." She couldn't stand being idle at home any longer. She was going stir crazy.

Herman looked at her fondly and said, "Alright."

Just then, Herman's phone rang. It was Collin. "Any plans tonight?" Collin said on the phone, "If not, let's have dinner together. Flynn's with me too. Let's catch up."

"Sure." Herman glanced at Anastasia and said gently to Collin over the phone, "We have two people here."

"Two people?" Collin was taken aback, then realized, "You're bringing your lady? Great, it's settled then. I'll arrange it. Same place as always."


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