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The Bond Between Us novel Chapter 302

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In Chapter 302 of The Bond Between Us novel, the narrative takes a riveting turn, plunging readers deeper into the intricacies of Anastasia and Herman's evolving relationship. As the couple grapples with the shocking revelation of their shared past, the town of Riverdale becomes a backdrop for both confrontations and moments of quiet introspection.

Chapter 302 opens with Anastasia attempting to piece together the fragments of her forgotten memories, haunted by the striking resemblance of their daughter to a past she never knew she had. The quaint charm of Riverdale transforms into a landscape of uncertainty as Herman, determined to unearth the truth, confronts Anastasia with questions that demand answers. 

If Herman knew that both his wife and his little bro were all about living the chill life, he'd probably be gobsmacked. But now, the ball's in Herman's court as far as Anastasia and Flynn are concerned.

Anastasia, looking at Flynn, said with intent, "Your move, dude."

Flynn chuckled, "If there's any deep dark secret my big bro is hiding, I'll spill the beans to you first. Like if someone's trying to get chummy with him or if he's stashed away some secret cash."

Anastasia flashed a satisfied grin. "Deal."

Flynn grabbed a bottle of mineral water, clinked it with Anastasia's, and said, "Cheers." The water suddenly felt like liquor.

Taking a sip of his water, he asked, "My big bro pulled the wool over your eyes for so long, aren't you pissed? Did you let him off the hook just like that? Did you use that onion trick last night? If it were me, I'd make sure Herman gets his just desserts, I wouldn't let him get away with such deception."

Anastasia gave him a thumbs up. "You're definitely your brother's kin."

Flynn, ever the social butterfly, chuckled, "I'm riled up for you. But damn, you're really forgiving. You let Herman off the hook so fast. He used to fret that you'd ditch him if you found out the truth."

Anastasia chuckled, "Even though I only finished high school, I'm not a dummy. I married a freaking billionaire, and there's no way in hell I'm divorcing him unless he's ready to cough up billions or even trillions. Otherwise, divorce is off the table."

Flynn looked at her in awe, giving her a thumbs up. "You're a boss, I admire that."

Turned out, all of Herman's worries were needless. Even though he knew Anastasia was just messing around, Flynn started to appreciate her more because she was real.

Munching on some snacks, Anastasia said, "This isn't some melodramatic soap opera, I don't need to be all dramatic. Your brother being loaded is a good thing. I'm not giving up my position as Mrs. Salstrom. Loads of people would kill for this spot."


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