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The Bond Between Us novel Chapter 389

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In Chapter 389 of The Bond Between Us novel, the narrative takes a riveting turn, plunging readers deeper into the intricacies of Anastasia and Herman's evolving relationship. As the couple grapples with the shocking revelation of their shared past, the town of Riverdale becomes a backdrop for both confrontations and moments of quiet introspection.

Chapter 389 opens with Anastasia attempting to piece together the fragments of her forgotten memories, haunted by the striking resemblance of their daughter to a past she never knew she had. The quaint charm of Riverdale transforms into a landscape of uncertainty as Herman, determined to unearth the truth, confronts Anastasia with questions that demand answers. 

Tomorrow was moving day, and some things need to be packed up.

Anastasia said to Salma, "Mom, let's pack some stuff now while we have time. We're moving tomorrow." The new house had everything, so they needed to pack only daily essentials and important items.

Salma said, "Oh right, I almost forgot about that. You rest, I'll pack. Pattie, pack the things you want to take with you."

Pattie nodded, "Okay grandma."

Anastasia didn't rest either and began packing some important items. Pattie packed her favorite toys and clothes. Taking advantage of Salma and Anastasia being busy, Layna sneaked into the children's room and tried to persuade Pattie.

"Pattie, do you want to go out and play? I'll take you downstairs to play on the slide," Layna said.

Children have a strong desire to play. Layna took the initiative to invite Pattie, who naively thought she really wanted to be friends with her. Pattie nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go tell grandma and mom first."

"They are both busy. We'll go down and play for a while and come back up," Layna said, pulling Pattie along.

Anastasia and Salma were both packing in their rooms. They thought the kids were playing in the children's room, and didn't pay attention. Layna, despite her young age, had many tricks up her sleeve. When they got to the playground downstairs, she tried to persuade Pattie to go outside.

Pattie remembered her mother's warning not to run around, so she shook her head, "Layna, let's just play here."

Layna put her hands on her hips and threatened, "You scaredy-cat, what are you afraid of? I know a really fun place to go. If you don't come with me, I won't be your friend anymore."

Pattie agreed, "Okay, but let's just play for a while and then go back."

Layna often followed Duncan to drive taxis illegally outside. Duncan would scare her to be obedient, warning her about the many human traffickers at the station. If Pattie got lost and was caught, he wouldn't be able to save her. Layna remembered this and, holding the bill she stole from a drawer at home, hailed a taxi. Just like that, she brought Pattie to the bustling station.

Darkness was gradually falling. Pattie had never been to such a crowded place before. With so many people around, she felt scared and clung to Layna's clothes, "I'm scared. Let's go back. I don't want to play anymore."

Pattie had previously been abused by Penny and only became more cheerful with Anastasia. She was naive and not as cunning as Layna, and had never seen such a scene before, causing fear to grow in her heart.


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