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The CEO's Hidden Love: Midnight Temptations and Deep Desires novel Chapter 1154

If it had been any other day, Karen would barely have time to step out before Jeffrey's phone calls would start flooding in, begging her to come back.

But this time, not a single call came through.

"He's not calling you, so why don't you just call him? Don't be like me and Everett, all silent and just guessing."

"I’m not calling him! It’s already generous of me not to have yelled at him."

Karen flopped back onto the couch, pouting like a child in a huff.

Dorothy was torn between exasperation and amusement.

She thought about how Karen and Jeffrey were acting just like kids playing house.

Neither of them had really grown up!

"Karen, do you love Jeffrey?" Dorothy scooted closer, nudging Karen with her shoulder.

"...Maybe not."

"If you're going to be stubborn, then I've got nothing to say! You pulling this on me?"

Karen rolled her eyes, and finally, with a pout, nodded, "How could I not love him? I had his kid, didn’t I?"

"That’s more like it! Couples can’t just split at the first sign of trouble! Talk it out, even if it means arguing to clear the air." Dorothy patted her on the shoulder. "Come on, call Jeffrey! I’m free anyway, we could all go out for dinner. I’ll play mediator, how about that?"


Karen said what she said but still fished out Jeffrey’s number from her phone and dialed, tossing the phone to Dorothy.

"You talk to him! I don’t want to."

"Alright, I will."

Dorothy took the phone, and after a few rings, it was picked up.

Before she could speak, she heard a voice from the other end.




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