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The CEO's Hidden Love: Midnight Temptations and Deep Desires novel Chapter 1193

Dorothy was absolutely floored. After all, she and Karen had just patched things up after nearly reaching the point of calling it quits for good. And now, out of the blue, Karen was on the warpath again.

"What's up? Jeffrey... caught at the bar again?"

"Worse than getting caught at a bar!"

At that, Dorothy and Everett exchanged worried glances, sensing trouble brewing.

Don't tell me Jeffrey got caught with another woman! That would really be asking for trouble.

Everett spoke up, his voice grave, "What happened?"

"Everett?! How dare you eavesdrop on my call with Dorothy!"

"Your voice is so loud, eavesdropping isn't necessary." He was just sitting nearby and could hear everything clearly.

Suddenly, Karen burst into tears on the other end, "Dorothy! Your man is bullying me!"

Dorothy's heart, which had been in her throat, settled a bit.

It sounded like it wasn't anything serious.

"Dorothy, you have to come to the hospital with me!"

"The hospital?!"

"Yes, hurry!"

The mention of the hospital spurred Dorothy into action. She didn't dare delay any longer, quickly grabbing her coat and car keys, even as Everett was still trying to cool off.

"I'm coming with you."

He was curious about what mess Jeffrey had gotten into this time. It seemed like every other day he was causing some trouble!

Whenever Jeffrey upset Karen, she would call Dorothy!

And then he'd be in the doghouse!

He couldn't just sit this one out.

They needed to sort out their marital issues behind closed doors! He hadn't even made it official with his own wife yet, who could bolt any minute, and here was Jeffrey hogging their time!

Chapter 1193 1


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