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The CEO's Hidden Love: Midnight Temptations and Deep Desires novel Chapter 15

All the way there, Jeffrey wouldn't stop yapping about their memories from childhood to adulthood, but none of it reached Everett's ears.

Once they arrived at the company, he didn't even bother to say goodbye to Jeffrey and just went straight up in the CEO's private elevator.

"Mr. Lopez, about the infringement lawsuit against N&P Enterprises, do you need to gather more lawyers?" The secretary knocked on the door and just happened to come in with some documents. "I heard they've got some big-shot lawyer on their side."

Everett adjusted his gold-rimmed glasses. He was unfazed and signed his name at the bottom of the document.

"Don’t worry. We’ll let Ms. Heather handle all legal matters when she gets back."

"Ms. Heather is coming back to the head office?" Upon hearing this, the secretary's previous worry disappeared like smoke in thin air. "That's great. We've got this lawsuit in the bag then!"

He wasn't exaggerating.

In the past few years, any major lawsuit that the Lopez Corporation faced was dealt with easily as long as Heather was their defense lawyer.

Just as the secretary was about to leave, feeling relieved, Everett stopped him.

"Grab some fruits and supplements on your way out and send them to room V1 at the City Hospital."

"Sure thing, Mr. Lopez."

After he left, Everett took out the marriage certificate he had just received from the pocket of his suit jacket. Everett's fingers lightly brushed over it. After a good while, he got up and neatly placed it in the safe.


In the hospital, the smell of disinfectant was still everywhere.

Dorothy had been waiting in room V1 for almost two hours before Bella woke up from her deep coma.

Her condition was better this time. At least she had the energy to lift her hand.


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