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The CEO's Hidden Love: Midnight Temptations and Deep Desires novel Chapter 21

With butterflies in her stomach, Dorothy hailed a cab right after work and headed straight to Bay Residence.

She was halfway through punching in the door code when she suddenly thought better of it. What if she walked in on something awkward? So, she quickly rang the doorbell instead.

In no time, the door was opened.

Everett had already changed out of his daytime suit. His usually immaculate hair was slightly disheveled. Dressed in white lounge wear, his tall figure no longer carried the aura of a business elite. Instead, he gave off a lazy, boyish vibe.

He looked like he had just finished playing basketball at the gym, like a student who was a little tired and ready to head back to his dorm for a rest.

Fearing he might be in the company of his "true love," Dorothy didn't go in. She stood where she was, all business. "Mr. Lopez, about the SinoSuccess Enterprises project you mentioned…"


He cut her off, calling her by her first name with his brows furrowed in a frown. "I'm off work now."

Dorothy was taken aback, not understanding what he meant. Wasn't it him who texted her to come over?

"So, should I leave?"

Before she could finish her sentence, Everett had already pulled her into the house. His towering figure pressed Dorothy against the wall and started kissing her.

"Mr. Lopez!"

What the heck was going on?

She could even feel a certain part of Everett stirring.

Wasn't she here to discuss the termination of their contract?

In a blink of an eye, she had been relocated from the foyer to the bed.

"Everett, you, uh…"

Dorothy was cut off again. In her ear, his voice sounded strained. "Dorothy, I'll try to be gentle."


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