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The CEO's Hidden Love: Midnight Temptations and Deep Desires novel Chapter 29

To save time, Dorothy just tossed some clothes over her pajamas and bounced.

She figured she'd drop Everett off at Bay Residence and then head back.

She took a cab to Crimson International Club, and the minute she hopped out, she spotted Everett’s black Maybach.

"Ms. Sanchez, here are the car keys." The assistant rushed over the moment he saw her.

Dorothy didn't smell any booze on him, but as soon as she got in the car, she smelled the dude in the passenger seat. He smelled like a damn distillery.

"Please take Mr. Lopez home. Be careful on the road." The assistant stood by the roadside, waving.

She was baffled. "Aren't you coming? Then who would help Everett in when we got there?"

"I’ve got something else to handle."

Dorothy was speechless and resigned herself to the driver's seat.

She snuck a peek at Everett next to her. His suit and shirt were still immaculate. His handsome face was tense, and his lips were tightly pressed. He looked like he was screaming 'keep out.'

Well, at least he had his eyes closed, so she figured he was asleep.

When they got to Bay Residence, Dorothy gently called out to him after opening the passenger door. "Mr. Lopez?"

No response.

She had no choice but to start moving the nearly 6-foot-tall man. She used all the strength she had.

Finally, she managed to get Everett onto the bed. Dorothy breathed a sigh of relief. Just as she was about to leave, a pair of hands found her waist.

With a slight pull, she tumbled onto the bed with him.

"Mr. Lopez!" Dorothy shrieked after she found herself pinned under him. His hands weren’t behaving…

"Mr. Lopez, you're drunk! Let me… Let me get you some water."

She tried to get up, but his strong arm wasn't budging.


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