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The Chosen Alpha (Prequel to The Female Alpha) novel Chapter 10

Chapter 10: Indefinable Attractions

Abhay’s P.O.V

“There you go!” Ruksaar skidded to a halt as soon as we entered the village perimeters. “We’ve helped you find your way back safe and sound. It was nice meeting you, Abhay! But I guess it’s time to part ways.”

“D-do you guys w-want to go for lunch?” The words were out before I could stop myself. “Consider it a thank you gift for getting me here safely.”

Ruksaar’s sister gave me an irritated glare from over her shoulders while Ruksaar clapped her hands together in excitement. I’ve never seen a woman as disinterested in me as Ruksaar’s sister, and yet, it felt like there was this invisible rope that was binding us together. The more time I spent near her, the more I felt drawn to her. And that was probably why I felt the need to stay near her longer than I had intended to. And what better way to spend time knowing them than to invite them to lunch?

“Thank you, Abhay!” Ruksaar skipped over to me and linked her hands through mine. “Let’s go eat! I’m starved! I haven’t even had breakfast today!”

“Really? Neither did I!” I told her with a smile. Somehow, it was a lot easier to talk to Ruksaar than it was to her sister and she also felt very welcoming. Even this tiny physical touch with her didn’t make me feel anything other than a friendly gesture.

“Come on, Jiji!” Ruksaar removed one of her hands from mine so she could pull her sister along with her as we made our way to the nearest restaurant.

We found another little dhaba not far from the hotel I was staying at. The interior was nice and cool and clean and it looked affordable enough to me. Ruksaar excused herself as we took our seats and went to the washroom so she could sprinkle some water on her face…at least that’s what she told us before she left. So it was just her sister and me, all alone in the big restaurant as we sat face to face and waited for Ruksaar to arrive so we could order our food.

The restaurant was pretty empty considering that it was about eleven in the morning which meant it was too early for lunch and too late for breakfast. I stared at Ruksaar’s sister across the table from me and wondered what her name could possibly be.

“So…what’s your name?” I asked outright, taking even myself by surprise.

“What?” Her voice was sharp as she gave me a narrow eyed glance. I noticed for the first time that her lashes and eyebrows were a darker color, dark to the point that it almost looked black. I was sure it wasn’t makeup, though. As a photographer, I could tell when someone was wearing makeup and when someone was being completely natural.

“I just…want to know your name. Why, is that not allowed?” I asked.

“No,” she gave me a sarcastic smile. “But I don’t like to give my name to strangers.”

“But we’re not strangers!” I told her. “We have known each other for the past two hours. And I already told you my name, haven’t I? It’s only fair that you tell me yours. Even Ruksaar told me hers.”

“Don’t get too familiar with her!” She snapped.

“And you still haven’t told me your name,” I smiled at her pleasantly, wondering to myself where in the heaves am I getting all this strength from? I always have a hard time talking to women and here I was, being the poster boy for chit chatting. “Maybe I should call you Firangi? That sounds nice, doesn’t it? It suits you.”

“I’m not a foreigner!”

“How would I know? You sure look like one.” I smiled.

I couldn’t believe it, I was actually enjoying myself. I was enjoying teasing her and watching the cold, cold ice turn into blue fire every time she snapped at me. Her eyes were indeed gorgeous. I felt like I could drown in their icy depths for eternity. She looked like a misfit in this desert. The sand didn’t suit her. Her cool composure was more suitable in the snowy lands of my dream, where she would live in harmony with the ice and snow and the white wolf from my dream.

Chapter 10 1

Chapter 10 2

Chapter 10 3


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