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The Cursed Lycan novel Chapter 8

Chapter 8

It was a short journey, but before we got to the garden, I was sweating and my heart was hammering inside my chest as I gulped and swallowed biles in my throat. It was only with struggles that I was able to reach the garden without toppling over.

My legs were shaking from the feeling of someone like him walking behind me. I knew that his eyes were on me, so I made sure I didn't spare any glances behind. Who wants to look into the face of such a beast? When he told me to walk slowly, I obeyed without my consent.

I never planned to oblige after he called me a slave, but his voice was damn possessive and seemed to have full control over my senses.

We got to the garden, and I couldn't help myself from heaving a deep sigh of relief as I quickly stood at the corner waiting for him to enter so I would leave, or rather run as fast as my legs could carry me.

The garden was a vast expanse of land adorned with the finest flowers imaginable. It also had trees with birds singing and making their nests on the branches. Several streams flow at the corners.

There are wooden chairs in there specially designed for just two. This garden had been my favorite place in the entire pack because of the smell of the woods and the chilling breeze, which calms the mind and soul. It was a fascinating sight of natural beauty. I could only recall how much I used to enjoy this place.

But they are all past tense and part of my sweet memories, which could never be reality again. My father would skin me alive if I stepped in here, and even before I reached here, the royal guards would have caught me and beat me up for attempting to enter the garden.

That was how rough and messy my life became after I killed my mother. It felt great to enter here again, but with my wicked mate, I felt agitation blinding me from enjoying whatever was in the garden.

He walked in through the gate a few minutes later, making me wonder what took him so long when I was sure he was walking right behind me when I stepped in. The sparks in his eyes when he saw how glamorous the garden was were really vivid, and I could tell instantly that he loved it as much as I do.

Maybe I should start hating this garden so I won't have anything in common with this beast. He was peering around every angle in amazement, inhaling mouthfuls of air and breathing them out as he equally spread out his arms so the air could spread through every part of his body.

I watched as his lips struggled to curl into a smile but never did. It seemed like he hated smiling, because I don't see why he won't free up his handsome face and brighten it up with his smile. Who knows how cute he would look with a smile.

My hands were clamped forward as I stood at the corner waiting for his order to leave here, while I equally anticipated a smile from him. I mean, the garden is too magnificent and a great sight to behold. Anyone who steps in here won't only smile but also grin from ear to ear. Well, I guess I was talking about people who were normal, and not this ruthless Lycan here.

He roamed around and kept gazing at the flowers before visiting the waterfall, which was at some distance. He then returned to the trees, where he plucked some fruits and sat down to enjoy them. All this without acting like I was still existing in the garden, not to mention telling me what to do next.

"What are we standing here for?! Let's get out. You can see he has nothing else for us!" My wolf bawled at me, and I felt the truth in her words. I must have been stupid to stand here when he only told me to show him the garden. What else did I expect from him?

I guessed I was the crazy one because I stood there just to see if he would smile and to equally await some words from him to me. Like, why won't he talk to his mate?


This man is just so annoying and weird. I think I would be expecting another mate because this man here can't be the one for me to spend the rest of my life with.

With a suppressed hiss, I made my way to the exit gate, forcing myself to stop expecting him to call me back. I was just so confused, and my feelings were muddled.

"Why did you hiss at me?" Someone growled behind my back just when I was about to cross the gate. My heart flipped in fright, and the sudden voice made me cringe so hard that I lost my balance.

I wasn't expecting him to be that close to me, let alone speak so suddenly without my hearing his approaching footsteps or noticing his presence around me. Before I made my way out, he was sitting on a bench quite far from me, so it was a great shock that made me fall.

I lost my balance but didn't land on the ground as I should have. Instead, I fell into someone's arms... Ah, I should call his name because there are just the two of us here.

My small and petite body was lying in his powerful arms, and that was so sweet. Oh, God, I felt so warm and nice, and when I opened my eyes to see him gazing into my face, it was like the world had ended.

His face was so close, and those charming eyes snatched my soul away from my body. His pink, plump lips were slightly apart, and I didn't know that could make someone's lips so much more seductive that it would be impossible to resist. I must be blushing very hard now, and I noticed he saw my red cheeks and furrowed his brows, so I had to cover my face.

I couldn't keep on looking at his face; it was too perfect to be real. This man looked like a god! I wish I could kiss him. I wish he would lift me off the ground and carry me in a bridal style while I wrap my hands around his neck as we both enter the heart of the garden and enjoy its beauty, chatting and laughing together.

Chapter 8 1


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