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The Divorced Heiress’s Revenge (Anna and Justin) novel Chapter 168

Chapter 168 

Bethany’s carefully made-up face froze. Her heart trembled in fear. 

“Also, are we that close? Don’t you think it’s inappropriate for you to hug me like this?” Ryan’s eyes were cold as he forcefully pulled out his arm. 

“Mr. Hoffman, I’m sorry. You’re my brother’s close friend, so I think of you as my brother too. I have no other intentions…” Bethany was afraid that Ryan would hate her, so she quickly explained herself. 

“You’re his sister, not mine. Watch your behavior next time.” 

Ryan replied coldly, turned around, and left. 

Anna had given him this suit. He could not bear to wash it, let alone allow others to get it dirty. 

Bethany clenched her fists reluctantly. Her nails dug into her palms until they were almost bleeding. 

Suddenly, Ryan stopped walking. He put one hand in his pants pocket and looked at Bethany with squinted eyes. 

Bethany quickly flashed a bright smile. Her heart was beating with excitement. 

She thought, ‘I knew it! Ryan only seems cold on the outside. He must have feelings for me.’ 

“I really don’t understand girls’ fashion these days.” 

“What?” Bethany was startled. 

“I’ve heard of lipstick, but I thought it’s supposed to be used on the lips, not the teeth. I guess. I’ve learned something new today.” 

Ryan laughed jokingly and walked away gracefully. 

Only then did Bethany return to her senses. She hurriedly ran to the bathroom and bared her teeth in the mirror. 

That was when she saw lipstick sticking to her front teeth. 

“Ah!” Bethany shouted in shame, wanting to smash the mirror. 

Ryan opened the door and walked into the study. He sat on the sofa with his long legs stretched out, looking leisurely., 

“That third sister of yours is a real hooligan, molesting me the first moment she sees me. Tsk, tsk! Why are these women so unrestrained? I’m sure Anna wouldn’t do something like this.” 

Justin was reviewing the documents that Ian sent over. When he heard this, he looked up at Ryan coldly. 

“What are you doing here?” 

“I’m here to see if you caught a cold from standing out in the rain all night.” Ryan narrowed 

eyes, took out a cigarette from the cigarette case, and held it between his lips. 


“Ryan, you’re quite smug, huh?” Justin’s face darkened as he tightened his grip on the 

“Hmm, yeah. At least I’m better than a certain someone who can’t even step foot into her house.” Ryan puffed out a cloud of smoke. 

Justin was irritated and glared at Ryan with hostility. 


Indeed, Justin had been married to Anna for three years, but he had to stand and wait for her outside in the rain and even get slapped. 

Looking at it this way, Justin thought that Ryan was indeed better off than he was. 

The more he thought about it, the more ridiculous it seemed. He became infuriated. 

Ryan crushed the cigarette butt in the crystal ashtray, stood up, and walked to Justin. He put his arms on the edge of the table and looked at him with narrowed eyes. 

Justin met his oppressive gaze calmly. 

“Justin, I’m going to pursue Anna and make her mine.” 

Ryan’s eyes were bright and sharp. He wanted to cut-Justin open and take a closer look to see what was so great about him. 

Justin treated Anna so badly. He neglected her for three years and forced her to get a divorce. Justin was a horrible husband. 

Ryan was unconvinced. 

Justin’s breath hitched. His knuckles turned white from gripping the pen too hard. “Don’t forget. She’s already with Asher.” 

“I don’t care, as long as she’s not with you.’ 


Justin’s blood surged to his head, and his breath trembled. 


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