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The Divorced Heiress’s Revenge (Anna and Justin) novel Chapter 2181

At this moment, Taylor’s face twisted into a grotesque mask, like a vengeful ghost from the depths of hell.

Taylor laughed and cried hysterically, “Okay, if that's how it's going to be, then nobody gets to live! You just did all this to be with Drew, to have a wild, passionate romance. Heh, well, don't think for a second that you’re actually going to get what you want!”

Taylor grabbed Yvonne’s neck and forced her toward the rooftop’s edge. His cold and moist lips touched her pale cheek, mixing with her tears. “Yvonne, if we can't be together in this life, then let’s die and get married in the next life.”

In the blink of an eye, Yvonne’s heart raced, and her body felt weightless as she tumbled backward into the abyss.

“Yvonne!” Drew cried out in anguish as he desperately rushed to Yvonne’s rescue, his tall, slender frame darting forward with the speed of a lightning bolt.

Meanwhile, up on the church rooftop...


A piercing beam of cold light flashed, followed by a sharp sound hurtling from a distance of around a hundred meters.

Just as the malicious Taylor was about to drag Yvonne off the rooftop, she heard a sharp cracking sound above her, like an eggshell smashing against a rock.

Yvonne’s breathing hitched, and her heart raced with terror. Time seemed to stand still. Drew’s eyes went wide with shock—

A bullet had blasted straight through Taylor’s forehead, leaving behind a grisly, gaping wound.

Taylor stared at Yvonne with a blank, horrified expression, his mouth hanging open in agony, before tumbling backward.

Yvonne closed her eyes in fear, expecting the worst. But to her surprise, she found herself engulfed in a fierce, tender embrace.

As Taylor plummeted from the rooftop, Drew quickly grabbed Yvonne and wrapped her in his embrace. His large frame hunched over, enveloping her entirely, as if he wished to meld her into his very being.

“Yvonne, it’s all over now; it’s over,” Drew murmured shakily, though his entire body was shaking with fear.

Tears streamed down his face uncontrollably. His heart raced, and his breathing was labored. His heart was a mess of emotions, yet the hug he gave her was firm and steady.

Chapter 2181 1

Chapter 2181 2

Chapter 2181 3


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