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The Divorcee Who Shines novel Chapter 265

Chapter 265 Envy

"1 billion! In US dollars!"

Amiya's anger surged from the bottom of her heart.

"Mr. Adams, this can't be right! These assets belonged to Wyatt and the Stuart family. There's no way they would have been left to Ranita! Are you sure you're not mistaken? Besides, it's been almost three months since Wyatt passed away, and I have reason to doubt the authenticity of this will."

When Wyatt first announced his will, aside from company shares, there wasn't even 1 billion dollar left in it. Amiya was puzzled at that time because she knew that the Stuart family had accumulated wealth for generations and especially during Wyatt's reign as head of household when they were always on Forbes' list of billionaires.

Amiya was so angry that she couldn't help but curse in her heart, "That old man hid so much money all along and gave it all to an outsider!"

"Mrs. Stuart, please don't get upset," Elliot said with a pause before looking at Ranita.

"Ms. Bowman, the previous will of Mr. Stuart did not leave anything for you, not because he disliked you. He wanted me to convey to you that he was afraid that after his death, you might be mistreated or driven away, fearing... that his grandson might do something foolish. Therefore, he instructed me to find you three months later. If you have divorced Mr. Brendon by then, he wanted me to inform you separately that the entire one billion dollars will be inherited solely by you."

Ranita covered her mouth.

Her eyes were filled with tears as she felt touched by Wyatt's care for her - He cared about her more than anyone else did in the Stuart family! She wasn't greedy for money; rather she felt grateful for this unique kind of affection shown towards her.

"A billion dollars all given to Ranita? Is Wyatt out of his mind?" Amiya was so angry that she almost vomited blood. Brendon and Holly deserved these funds more than anyone else! How could they be given away without any relevance whatsoever?

"Mr. Adams, are you sure Wyatt wrote this will while being completely sane? Could it be possible that Ranita tricked him into doing so?"


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