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The Enticing CEO's Chosen Bride novel Chapter 1350

"What the hell!"

"Tools? What does that mean?!"

"Securing resources for other artists? How?"

The live stream's comment section was going off like a fireworks display, you couldn't even see the screen anymore.

"I can't believe this..."

"Why would they do that?!"

The secretaries were flabbergasted. Their hands were covering their mouths as they stared at the screen in disbelief, unable to contain their shock. Even Chloe couldn't hide her surprise, but it quickly turned into a cold glare.

New artists being used to secure resources for other artists? How?

Shady deals. It didn't take a genius to realize that the company must have set traps in the contracts for these newcomers!

Chloe felt a surge of anger. Fiddling with contracts, how was that any different from fraud?!

"There are many artists like this in the company. Beautiful young girls who started with big dreams, only to end up like this. It's not just inhumane to force them to secure resources for others; it's even worse knowing they're forced to do it for someone else. But these dirty tactics actually work, one after another... Infinity Media, for the sake of convenience and secrecy, even bought an office building next door just for these activities...

"Some may ask why they don't fight back. How could they? The contracts are all in the company's favor, with astronomical penalties for breach of contract, not to mention the loss of their reputation. They might even use the Alonso family to intimidate these victimized artists. These practices might not have started with Ms. Wendy, but she took over Infinity Media, how could she not know about these transactions?! That's the Alonso family, their power, influence, and wealth - no one dares to cross them!

"I admit, I was also wary of the Alonso family, which is why I didn't speak up about this sooner! This time, if it wasn't for Ms. Wendy going too far, if it wasn't for Starlight International putting Infinity Media under so much pressure, I might not have had the chance to blow the whistle!

"So to those girls who have managed to escape the darkness, don't thank me, I'm a coward and a selfish person. If you want to thank someone, thank Ms. Summers from Starlight International! Before I left the company, I noticed that Ms. Wendy was planning to make a comeback, continuing to sign new artists, promising them 'resources', and then some of these newcomers would, like their predecessors, be forced to sell their bodies to secure resources for others.

"I know many people dream of entering the entertainment industry, so I'm revealing this now in hopes that it will help you make your decision. If you still choose Infinity Media, all I can say is that I tried my best!

"Thank you all for attending this press conference and for your concern. I sincerely hope that you think carefully before making any decisions and be aware of any potential traps when signing contracts with companies. I hope my revelations today have been helpful.

"I'm not feeling well right now, so I'll stop here. Thanks again for your understanding and I apologize for not speaking out sooner."

With that, Marco took a step back and bowed.

The reporters rushed forward.

"Mr. Marco, do you know which female artists were victimized?"

"What resources were unfairly obtained by Infinity Media?"

"How did you come to know about this? How many people in the company are aware?"

"Mr. Marco..."

The reporters had a lot of questions, but Marco just kept his lips sealed and headed into the hospital.


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