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The Enticing CEO's Chosen Bride novel Chapter 2087

Chloe furrowed her brow.

Seth's gaze settled on her, his lips quirking in a half-smile. "You should know that I would never harm him."

Chloe should understand that as the father of the child, he would never bring him harm.

Chloe's eyes flickered, her expression guarded. "Did you ever intend to harm Cicely?"

Seth's chest shuddered at the accusation.

Chloe didn't want to pry into past scandals, nor did she wish to meddle in family affairs that were not hers to tend. But Hugo tethered her to a concern she couldn't ignore.d2

The tales of the past were so vivid that a mere inquiry brought forth a slew of witnesses. Gleaning the gist was all too easy, especially with Damon, one of the involved parties, right by her side.

Her penetrating gaze and assertive presence were enough to make one feel overpowered. "To come out and to spend Thanksgiving with Cicely, he's endured a fever until now, not saying a word for fear that something would change because he gets sick. Do you know who caused all this?"

Seth's hands clenched in his pockets, his lips pressed into a thin line, and Chloe could see the tension etched across his face and body.

But she had to make her point clear; Hugo was just a child.

"You believe you wouldn't harm him, but the damage is already done. How can anyone trust you now, Seth?"

He stood like a bow strung tightly, ready to snap at any moment.

"The deepest wounds in this world are often inflicted by those we love the most. And if there is a deeper pain, it's when two people in love turn that love into a war. And that child was born on the battlefield of your struggles. The harm is done, and for that, neither of you deserves forgiveness. Don't use your so-called love to hurt them again. If you can't manage that, then stay away." Chloe's voice was cool and stern, imbued with solemn reproach.

After a long moment, the man who seemed carved from stone finally spoke, his voice a hoarse whisper."I won't..."

Won't what?

Won't harm them again?

In a sentence short of ten words, he managed only two.

Chloe's eyes met his, filled with a tumultuous emotion, but she forced herself to look away indifferently. "It's for the best."

Damon pulled her into his embrace, casting a cursory glance at Seth. "Chloe is right."

Seth remained silent.

Long after Damon and Chloe had left, Seth stirred his stiff body, slowly walked to the hospital room door, and gently placed his hand on the doorknob, followed by a prolonged silence. He hadn't even considered the possibility that she would have a child with him in the present or the future.

If she wasn't willing, he would never force her. As long as she was by his side, that was enough.

Cicely had actually borne him a child.

The doorknob creaked under his grip. After a while, with a click, the door to the hospital room opened.

Inside, a nurse stood watch. She stared at him with confusion and caution.

"Sir, may I ask who you are."

Seth's eyes were fixed on the small figure lying quietly on the large, soft bed. For the first time in his life, Seth didn't know how to answer that question.

Who was he...

He lacked the right, and the courage, to utter those words.

Approaching the bed, the moment his gaze touched the child's sleeping face, his heart skipped a beat before pounding like a drum.

No wonder Cicely had tried so hard to hide him.

No wonder Chloe had been so forthright earlier.

He could never remain oblivious to this child's existence. Just one look, and the truth was self-evident.

"Are you the child's father?" the nurse asked with a soft smile. "The little one is the spitting image of you."

Seth remained silent.

So it was.

He watched Hugo for a long time. The eyebrows and the nose—they were all his.

Reaching out, his hand gently touched Hugo's forehead. The forehead was still feverish, beads of sweat covering the flushed face. His large, well-defined hand could almost cradle the small face in its entirety.

His son.

His fingertips lightly touched Hugo's furrowed brow, perhaps the coolness soothing the persistent fever, as the child's frown gradually eased.

Finally, his hand came to rest on the child's head, watching the peaceful face, Seth's eyes softened with a tenderness he hadn't realized he possessed.

Seth maintained his position, standing by the bed for a long while. The nurse, having waited patiently, finally approached to check on the sleeping child, letting out a relieved sigh. "Sir, the child is breaking the fever; I need to change his sweaty clothes. If you'd..."

Seth's fingers twitched, his gaze locked on the child's face, his voice a deep rasp. "I'll do it."

The nurse hesitated for a moment, then quickly nodded.

She brought clean clothes and directed Seth as he changed the child. His movements, cautious at first for fear of disturbing the little one, soon became more confident. Once he seemed to have it under control, the nurse fetched a basin of warm water and a towel to wipe the child down. Seth watched for a while, then took the towel from her, bending down to wipe Hugo's body.

The older nurse watched with a smile, "I've rarely seen a father so hands-on. Usually, it's the grandmothers or the mothers who do all this."

And he’s a man of such stature and handsomeness. Indeed, appearances can be deceiving.

Seth was impassive, drying the child's body, then carefully dressing him. During the process, he needed to lift Hugo to straighten the back of the shirt. In his half-awake state, Hugo let out a whimper against his shoulder.

Seth stiffened, feeling a small hand grasp the collar of his shirt.

"Mama..." The child's sleepy voice echoed in his ear, and that instinctive murmur sent a pang through Seth's heart.

After settling Hugo back in bed, the child seemed to fall asleep again. But one hand kept gripping his collar, refusing to let go.

Seth didn't move, maintaining the awkward and uncomfortable pose.

He didn’t say anything. He couldn't see the child's face, yet he felt the deep helplessness and lack of security emanating from this little one.

Gently pressing his forehead against Hugo's, Seth's throat tightened. Chloe was right; the harm had already been done.


When Damon returned with Chloe, Seth was waiting at the door.

Upon seeing them, Seth asked. "What's his name?"

Chloe's face was a mask of indifference, but her heart ached at the question coming from his lips. "Hugo."

Seth's dark eyes shifted slightly downwards, resting on the grout between the tiles, his expression serene and deep. "Thanks."

"Seth." As he turned to leave, Chloe suddenly called out to him.

Seth paused, his back still to her. Before she could speak, he said calmly, "I won't use the kid as a bargaining chip."

Chloe indeed remained silent after that.


Cicely's phone battery had died. She had borrowed a charger from Charlie and it was nearly ten o'clock.

It had been over two hours since she had sent Seth away. She didn't believe he would actually go home to rest by himself.

Charlie noticed Cicely's frequent glances towards the window, a clear sign she was waiting for someone. He offered to help. "Ms. Cicely, should I go look for Mr. Diaz?"

Cicely frowned slightly, her expression distant. "Why would his whereabouts concern me?"

Charlie was speechless, his concern genuine. "Mr. Diaz didn't tell me where he was either. I'm not sure what corner of the hospital he's holed up in."

Cicely pursed her lips, her face darkened. "Charlie, everyone knows you're loyal to him. There's no need to constantly remind me, making him out to be some pitiable soul. Do you think he's the type to seek pity?"

Charlie, caught in his intentions, fell silent.


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