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The Enticing CEO's Chosen Bride novel Chapter 2130

"I don't need it. I don't need anyone's approval."

He was well aware that everyone was more sensible than he was now.

Ask Ella? If she were likely to agree, would he have felt the need to keep her confined to her room?

Right now, she was probably the most sensible person of all. She had made a promise to her grandfather once, and now she was burdened by his feelings. She fretted over Paul, agonized over where Noah placed Rebecca in his life, and even worried about the entire Tretton, Reeves, and Minton families.

She had thought of nearly everything. Was there any point in asking her? So no, Noah didn't need anyone's approval.

Noah had always been after one thing: a satisfying outcome. And that hadn't changed.d2

He couldn't bear the thought of watching the flower he had nurtured from a seedling being plucked away by someone else. No one knew how much Noah had invested in Ella. Why should he just hand her over to someone else?

Aside from a deep chill and rage, Jon felt nothing else. Ever since four years ago, every conversation with his son had been fruitless.

Still, even until the night before, Jon had held onto the hope that his son would eventually get it right. Now, all that remained was a deeper disappointment.

After the anger subsided, Jon was left with an overwhelming sense of helplessness. Had he been too trusting in the past? Had he given Noah too much control too soon? The Tretton family had been placed entirely in his hands.

Noah was his only son. Without Noah, to whom would he pass the vast Tretton estate? Noah had successfully struck at his most vulnerable point.

Ella, witnessing Jon's sudden calm and utter disappointment, felt a dull pain in her heart. "Uncle Noah, can you try to calm down?"

Noah didn't move, or turn to look at her, his voice sounding eerily calm. "If I calm down, will you agree to be with me?"

Ella paused, then continued, "If you regain your composure, and find your reason, I believe you won't be fixated on this issue anymore."

Everyone thought what Noah was doing was wrong. He was smart enough to realize it himself.

Noah let out a bitter laugh, "Calm down? It was because I was too calm and rational before, that things have gotten to this point. If you're not willing to stay by my side of your own free will, then don't bother speaking. I only want the outcome I desire. I don't want to hear the rest."

Ella began to understand why Jon had grown increasingly intolerant of discussing matters with Noah. There was no reasoning with him.

Noah's phone had vibrated countless times, the sound especially clear to Ella standing nearby. Jon's phone also rang intermittently. Perhaps the events of last night's gala had already reached the Minton family. Now they were likely demanding an explanation or were disrupted in their regular lives.

The media, once they sniffed out any scandal, clung to it relentlessly. And what happened last night was far from a mere trifle. She wondered what sort of chaos was unfolding outside.

"Uncle Noah, maybe you should take the call."

It was him who should be calming Rebecca at this moment.

As soon as Ella finished her sentence, Rebecca appeared at the door. She practically stormed in, her gaze immediately landing on the few people in the living room.

Rebecca paused, then strode towards them, stopping in front of Noah. She looked up at him for a long while before letting out a cold laugh. "Noah, now that I'm right here in front of you, can't you offer me an explanation?"

"I'm sorry about this morning," he said, his indifference stinging Rebecca.

"An explanation?"

"There's nothing to explain."

Rebecca had no visible response to Noah's words; instead, her eyes shifted to Ella. "So, you agreed to the arranged marriage because of her. And now, after all the twists and turns, you want to break off our engagement also because of her? Even in the end, you'd protect her at the cost of leaving me without a shred of dignity?"

Ella, caught by surprise, blurted out, "Break off the engagement?"

Seeing Ella's reaction, Rebecca couldn't help but let out a bitter laugh. She rubbed her forehead, paced for a moment, then turned back to Noah. "She doesn't even know? Are you planning to keep this a secret forever?"

Ella suddenly remembered his words from the night before about "handling it." So this was his way of handling it.

Breaking off the engagement... He was just going to break it off, just like that?

"Uncle Noah, you..."

"It's none of your business."

"How is it none of her business?" Rebecca interjected sharply. "My life has been overshadowed by her. She leaves for four years, and I can hardly get a moment with you. If I hadn't deliberately mentioned she was in the hospital last time, would you have even shown up?"

"I told you before that our marriage was just a contract, with no feelings involved. If you wanted out, I wouldn't oppose it. I would accept it at any time. You've always had an option."

"Then why was it you who suddenly announced our break-up?"

Noah's brow furrowed, his expression barely concealing his impatience. "I made it clear before. Taking away the choice I always left you by initiating the break-up was wrong, and I apologize. You can be upset, and you can reject it, but don't use your feelings to tie me down. You should understand, no matter how wronged, innocent, or intolerable you feel, I can't empathize with you, I won't understand, and I won't feel guilty. Don't put your feelings in front of me to be wasted."

Rebecca's realization hit her like a slap—she was only humiliating herself. Her feelings only made him feel disdainful, even disgusted. That was why he always felt trapped.

Some things were clear to her, even from the beginning—they had agreed not to covet each other's affections.

Still, Rebecca felt an unwillingness to accept it. Why had the man who once loved no one suddenly become so madly devoted to another woman? She had been by his side for so many years. Where did things go wrong?

"You always prided yourself on being a self-centered pragmatist, with interests above all else, right? Noah, are you truly mad enough not to consider the consequences of your actions today, or are you just too conceited?"

Noah's dark eyes flickered imperceptibly. "Rebecca, you really don't need to get all worked up with me right now. Just say what you want, no need to play the victim card so hard," Noah said, trying to keep his voice level.

Rebecca paused for a moment, then let out a light, unexpected chuckle. "Fine, you've played with my emotions enough. But listen here, Noah, I won't be your disposable plaything anymore, someone you can just pick up and drop whenever it suits you. These past four years haven't been without their gains for me, but to have it all end like this, I won't just stand by. Even if it's just to salvage some dignity for myself, this won't be so easily forgotten."

With that, Rebecca swept her gaze coolly over Ella, curtsied silently to Jon, and strode out of the mansion.

The exchange left everyone else in the room half in the dark. It seemed the arranged marriage between Rebecca and Noah had more going on beneath the surface than they knew.

Jon's face was a storm cloud, but he couldn't muster the energy to grill Noah about what had transpired. What was the point? It would be like talking to a wall.

Jon let out a heavy sigh and turned to Ella, "Ella, come on. You're going home with me."

"No way," Noah dug his heels in like a stubborn mule. He turned to the butler and commanded, "Tony, take my father home. I've got things to sort out here. When all this is over, I'll bring her back myself, sooner or later."

Tony nodded vigorously, adding his own reassurance, "Mr. Tretton, Mr. Noah's right. It's a mess out there. Give him some time to handle things before we worry about Miss Ella."

Tony put special emphasis on "give him time," a subtle reminder to Jon that if Ella was taken by force, Noah was liable to do something drastic. Better to appease Noah for now, especially since he still needed to salvage the family's reputation.

Jon pursed his lips, understanding the unspoken message. Continuing this standoff with Noah wouldn't change a thing.

"Mr. Tretton, Mr. Noah needs to get to a hospital for his injuries," Tony added softly.

Jon's eyes flickered, and with a grunt, he strode out without another word.

Ella's heart skipped when she heard the butler's last comment. Injured? Was that why Noah looked so pale when she had come down the stairs?

Once the door to the mansion closed behind the leaving figures, Noah's tense frame finally relaxed, and he stumbled.

"Uncle Noah!" Ella gasped, rushing to support him but nearly collapsing under his weight. He leaned against the stair railing and sank onto the steps, his face ghostly pale and sweat beading on his forehead.

Ella scrambled to his side, unsure of what to do, her voice trembling, "Uncle Noah, are you alright?"


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