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The Gifted Fortuneteller novel Chapter 1

There was a Xiaoyao County in Jiangling City, and there was a Li Family Village in the county. The village had always been very poor. For many years, the village had been covered with muddy dirt roads, but since a middle-aged man came, everything had changed. They had built a bright asphalt road, and the entrance of the village was full of expensive luxury cars. There was an endless stream of dignitaries, and it was even more lively than the amusement park in the city.

There were no famous attractions in the entire county, and it was all because of the man with a beard, simple clothes, and heroic spirit - my father, Li Mufeng.

My father was a fortune-teller, but not the kind of gentleman who set up stalls, but fortune, fortune, fortune, fortune, and destiny.

The people who came to visit him at home were either rich or noble, throwing tens of thousands of dollars at any time, gold, silver, and jewelry all over the house.

Everyone calls my father Li Qiye, but he always laughs at himself for being Li the great thief - a great thief who goes against the heavens and changes his fate!

Perhaps it is because I have earned too much money to bully the heavens that my Li family's luck is particularly bad.

I have six older brothers.

My older brother went up the tree to dig out bird nests and fell to death;

Second Brother caught fish in the river and drowned to death

Third Brother didn't even live through a full moon before he was taken away by a cat in the middle of the night.

There was also my fourth brother and fifth brother... all of them died without exception.

Father painfully thought about it. From then on, he changed his main profession to farming fields. He didn't use money for fortune-telling. He donated all of his money to accumulate good deeds and help the poor. He never kept a single cent.

Even so, my six brothers were all dead, and only I was saved in the end.

My mother also wanted to go out in a car accident and leave this world forever. The once prosperous Li family now only has me and my father.

My name is Li Changsheng.

I am the apple of my father's eye, and I have been very fond of me since I was a child, afraid that I would be touched.

However, I still didn't have the constitution of a normal person. I often had a fever since I was a child, and I coughed. It was painful and itchy here, and Western medicine never stopped. It was worn out. I was once seriously ill and fell asleep for seven days. When I woke up, I was already dehydrated. Fortunately, my father knew a little about medicine and slowly recuperated. Only then did I get over it.

My father looked at me, who was lying on the bed. I didn't know what he was thinking. He just sat there for a day. In the evening, his eyes suddenly burst with a bright light, as if he had suddenly thought of something. He went straight to my side, touched my head and said, "Child, I will make you better." He went out and looked at the sunset, shedding tears.

My father thought back to what he had done over the years, and suddenly opened his eyes. "Oh heavens, I used to blame me for doing too many wrong things and leaking too much heavenly justice. If you want to kill me, you can do whatever you want. But you shouldn't torture my son. You want the Li family to cover up! You can't continue..."

As soon as my voice fell, my father quickly opened the box hidden under the bed. He changed into his night clothes that he had not worn for many years and carried a black bulging bag on his shoulder. He locked me at home and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

When my father came back the next day, his face was waxy yellow. There was no color at all. His figure was stooped, as if he had aged 20 years overnight. However, there was a warm smile on the corner of his mouth.

My father touched my head and said, "Changsheng, my father has read your fortune. It turns out that you have a yin constitution. You need to find a wife with a yang constitution to complement each other."

"I once again revealed the secrets of heaven. I broke the precepts set up more than ten years ago and lost my lifespan. But as long as you can live well, my father is willing to do anything..."


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