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The Girl Come Back is Super novel Chapter 1040

Now that she likes to take "shortcuts" so much, then she writes a new one for her.

Nikita smiled ironically and finished a music score randomly in her account within a few minutes while waiting for Sheehan.

These days, the atmosphere of the Swift family was not very good.

As if it was shrouded in the dull rainy days, even the servants at home talked less than usual, for fear that they would be fired if they accidentally say something wrong.

After returning from the police station that day, Margot's face hasn't been happy anymore.

Patrick also frowned all day, without a smile on his face.

All this was because of Margot's illness.

They went to find Dr. Charles and Director Frank again. Dr. Charles diagnosed her disease, but she can't accept the result.

Because Charles bluntly said that he could not cure her illness.

He could only prescribe some medicine for her.

"You have terminal cancer. What I'll say may be harsh, but it's truth. You'de better give up finding doctors and enjoy your rest life. Go to where you want to go. Do what you want to do. Don't leave regrets to your life."

As long as she thinks of what Charles said, she feels desperate and afraid.

Charles meant she can only live for a year and a half at most.

She'd better realize her wishes as soon as possible.

He gave a death sentence on her.

Dr. Charles represented the National Hospital which was equipped with the best medical skills. If he said she couldn't be cured, it must be the truth.

But she couldn't accept it.


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