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The Girl Come Back is Super novel Chapter 1250

In his own words, he has lived for more than twenty years, but he has never been so excited.

In fact, Vernon has always felt that Nikita is not good enough for Mr. Lambert.

He doesn't mean Nikita is not good. It's just that Mr. Lambert is too excellent.

He even used to worry about the next generation of Mr. Lambert. If he really marries Nikita in the end, and their child gets his IQ from Nikita, what would they do?

After all, IQ is quite important.

As for the child's appearance, he is not worried at all. No matter the child gets his look from Mr. Lambert or Nikita, he must be very good-looking.

Of course, he doesn't think Mr. Lambert intends to find a life partner who has the same IQ as him. After all, it will be too difficult to find one who meets this standard. But Nikita is just...

Vernon has been thinking that it would still be great if Nikita could be a little more clear and get herself admitted to an ordinary university even though she can't get into any famous universities.

Anyway, it would be better than getting zero points in each subject.

It's really embarrassing to have such a poor score.

And now, Nikita finally got the scores she could show off. But this result makes Vernon have an unrealistic feeling, as if he were dreaming.

Before he could recover from this untrue feeling, the news of Nikita cheating in the exam suddenly broke out on Facebook.

While he was still thinking about whether to report this matter to Mr. Lambert, shortly after that, there was another news breaking out on Facebook, saying that Nikita and the student who ranked the first in the national college entrance examination four years ago were actually the same person.

Vernon held his phone and stood at the door of the conference room with a blank face.


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