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The Girl Come Back is Super novel Chapter 1339

Vanessa didn't speak, but stared at Nikita maliciously.

Henrietta saw that her purpose had been achieved, so she smiled and said nothing.

Vanessa likes Joslyn.

Joslyn has been avoiding her before, and he said that it was the company's regulation to prevent him from having box news with female artists.

But now...

Joslyn, who avoided Vanessa, took the initiative to approach Nikita. Obviously, he avoided Vanessa before just because he was not interested in Vanessa.

With Vanessa's temper, she must be furious when she watched the man she likes be cold and light to herself, but warm and active to another woman, who is a newcomer.

The scene where the emperor and Fair Luna met each other for the first time was filmed very smoothly.

All the scenes passed at one time.

Joslyn has strength in acting. He graduated from the Film Academy with a major in performance, and his performance skills have always been quite good.

As long as the acting skills of the actors who acts with him are good enough, they can have a tacit understanding, and basically the shots can be passed at one time.

Before Nikita came here, the actress who had the most tacit understanding with him was Henrietta.

However, when he and Henrietta act together, they never passed smoothly at one time. Basically, it was good to be able to pass after acting twice.


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