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The Girl Come Back is Super novel Chapter 159

"So his nerve damage was not only caused by the car accident, but also caused by poison."

Chronic poisoning, accumulated for many years...

Everyone in the room understood what this sentence meant.

It meant that someone had been poisoning Old Mr. Lambert for a long time.

Sheehan's face became dignified, and his voice lowered down. "Can Miss Nikita be sure that my grandfather is chronically poisoned?"

Nikita raised her eyebrows and said: "If you don't believe me, you can ask others to treat your grandfather."

She paused for a while, then she said: "The symptoms of your grandfather being poisoned are quite obvious. Didn't anyone check it out before?"

Her tone clearly showed that she was unhappy to be questioned.

In Nikita's opinion, Old Mr. Lambert's symptoms of being poisoned are so obvious that someone should check it out long time ago.

But when Sheehan told her about his grandfather, he only mentioned the car accident, but nothing about being poisoned.

"Miss Nikita, it's not that I don't believe you." Sheehan's face darkened down, and the air surrounding his whole body was cold. His low voice was covered with cold frost, too. "Grandpa's body hasn't been as good as before in recent years, but he will have a comprehensive physical examination every three months. No signs of poisoning have been found.

We all thought that he was just getting old, so his health condition would not be as good as before.

"But if it is caused by poison, and someone has been poisoning him for a long time..." Sheehan revealed a murderous look. "I will find out the person behind this and let him pay a painful price which will make him beg for death."

Nikita didn't reply. She went forward to feel Old Mr. Lambert's pulse. "According to his pulse condition, he has been poisoned for about five years. The reason why it was not checked out before is that the person who did this put a very small amount of poison every time. And it may not be the real poison.

Sometimes, people only need to pull some strings on the combination of the food they have each day, and they can poison people without being noticed.

And as I said just now, when the poison in the body accumulates to a certain extent, it needs incentives to burst out at once. If it weren't for the car accident, the poison in your grandfather's body might not act out in advance.


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