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The Girl Come Back is Super novel Chapter 203

"Well, that's him." Nikita answered for Sheehan and drank her tea. She took her black bag from the chair next to her, got up and said, "Mr. Ladd, thank you for your tea.

I'll ask you for advice on chess when I am free.

Finishing her words, she turned her head to look at the handsome and elegant man next to her. She assigned him a task casually: "Mr. Lambert, take the pile of medicine on the ground, let's go."

Sheehan saw that there were several big bags in a corner of the pavilion, containing medicinal materials that had been wrapped up.

He estimates that the weight must have exceeded five kilograms.

Ordinary people even dare not ask about the price of such expensive medicinal materials, which are casually put on the ground like rotten cabbages by her.

The Lambert family is really rich. Sheehan, the ruler of the Lambert family, is still a little surprised because of Nikita's casual attitude towards material resources.

Yes, she doesn't care.

Even though Sheehan doesn't have much contact with Nikita, he can feel that she really doesn't care much about material resources.

She can live in a remote village like Syracuse Village for many years.

She can also adapt to life in big cities quickly.

It seems that it makes no difference to her no matter she lives in a poor mountainous area or in a big city with superior material conditions.

She is completely different from girls of her age.

This reminds Sheehan of the radio host named Nicola he met when he was abroad.

She is also a young girl, but her insight and way of speaking will give Sheehan the illusion that she is 70 or 80 years old.

It seems that she has already met all the ups and downs, experienced the vicissitudes of life, and became indifferent for anything.

But she is just eighteen years old as a little girl in the best age.

Sheehan looked at the girl beside him deeply, his eyes were quite dark. He walked over and picked up several bags on the ground.

Nikita walked out of the pavilion firstly.

The most powerful man in the N City acts as her follower, with a lot of bags in his hand.


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