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The Girl Come Back is Super novel Chapter 319

This man made a birthday wish last year that she would celebrate his birthday this year.

Nikita promised him.

"OK." At the other end of the phone, the man's voice is full of happiness. "We come an agreement. Niky, you said you would accompany me on my birthday. Don't break your promise again. "

"Well, I won't break my word."

Xavier said this because Nikita once reneged on her promise twice.

On both occasions, she happened to have something to do.

"What do you want for your birthday?" Nikita falls down on the sofa, pulling the thin blanket next to her to cover on her body.

All electrical appliances in this house are automated.

Of course, the original electrical equipment was not so advanced. She changed them into a fully automatic system after living in the house.

After she enters the room, the system will recognize her face at the first time. Her face is the "switch" for starting various electrical appliances.

The air conditioner in the house turned on automatically at the moment she entered the room.

The temperature is low, so she is a little cold.

"You can accompany to me to celebrate my birthday, which is the best birthday present." Xavier's voice gets lower. The man's nice voice had a different emotion. "Niky, I don't want anything."

All I want is you.

"Mr. Blake, it's time to start shooting." Nikita heard a woman's voice in her mobile phone.

"Are you busy?"

Let's talk later. Goodbye. "Nikita heard someone urging Xavier, so she ended the chat and hung up the phone.


The other side.

Xavier pinched the mobile phone, listening to the disconnection sound from the mobile phone. His eyes had a little disappointment.


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