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The Girl Come Back is Super novel Chapter 796

He rubbed her head again. "Did you sleep well last night?"

This problem has an obvious question.

She slept for almost ten hours before she woke up.

But he has hardly fallen asleep last night.

Besides her influence on him, the small sofa where he even can't stretch out his limbs and toss was also a culprit.

But he still looked refreshed and energetic.

As if he didn't suffer from insomnia lat night.

"Well, it's quite good." Before he came, she dreamed that Freddy fell into the river. After he came, she didn't have any nightmares.

This man was much more effective than sleeping pills.

"I'll wash." She went to the bathroom.

After she washed her face, they went downstairs together.

In front of the counter, the worker who stayed all night was shifting handover with another person. Just after the handover, she saw the man who was more handsome than the star last night coming down from upstairs.

He didn't come down alone, but with a beautiful woman around him.

They clasped their fingers intimately, hand in hand.

The man was handsome, and the woman was beautiful. Quite a good match.

Anyone who saw them only would appreciate, but not envy.

The worker saw them approaching, her eyes full of meanings.

After the man went upstairs last night, he never came down again.

Obviously, they must have lived in the same room.


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