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The Girl Come Back is Super novel Chapter 864

"Yvonne, ignore your brother. I think he is just out of his mind!" Margot remained a straight face and said coldly: "I wonder what went wrong with him. He actually started to defend that ungrateful animal now."

Yvonne clenched her lips: "Maybe... it may be because Sister Nikita is his biological sister."

"Don't call her Sister Nikita! That ungrateful animal has already had nothing to do with our Swift family! Don't bring her up in the future. I get angry when people mention her!"

Seeing Margot look annoyed and disgusted while talking about Nikita, Yvonne finally felt comfortable in her heart.

Since she is so rejected by her biological parents.

She can be considered as a loser no matter how good she may look to the outside world.

She is just an orphan who nobody cares or loves!

"But mom, don't you... don't you have to ask Nikita to cure you?" Yvonne's eyes showed some concerns. "Your illness..."

As Yvonne just finished saying so, Margot's face immediately darkened down.

"Don't mention it." Patrick's face also looked gloomy. "She actually asked us to pay three billion dollars for the consultation fee. She said she would cure your mother as long as we gave her the money. If we couldn't afford that, don't come to her again."

"What?! Three billion dollars?!" Yvonne was so stunned that she looked dull.

Is Nikita crazy?

How can she actually ask for three billion dollars?

She's afraid that the Swift family couldn't get three billion dollars even if they sold the Swift Group.

"Did... Did she really say that? Are you sure you didn't mishear her?"

"How could I hear her wrong? She just doesn't want to cure your mother. So she said that on purpose." Patrick was so angry that his face completely darkened down.

Yvonne bit her lips and showed a guilty and miserable face. "It's all my fault. If I hadn't advised you to show the prescription to the doctor, it wouldn't have end up like this..."

"How can I blame you for this? I know you meant well. Besides, we are not sure whether that prescription is poisonous or not. Never mind, just forget it. It is meaningless to say this now."

"But mom, your illness..."

"There are also many skilled experts in the National Medical College. With your grandmother's social resources, we should be able to find some experts from the National Medical College to check on your mother." Seeing Margot looked tired, Patrick was ready to help her go back to her bedroom to have some rest. "Your mother is tired. So I'll help her go back to her room to rest. Didn't your brother just say that he has something to say to you? Go to see him quickly, in case that it's something important."

Patrick helped Margot stand up.

Margot stretched out her hand and rubbed her eyebrows: "Yvonne, I have no time to take care of you during this time. You should be obedient and work hard on your own. By the way, the piano competition is about to start. How are you preparing for that?"

Hearing her question, Yvonne was stunned.

The piano competition... She almost forgot about this these days.

After checking the schedule, she realized that there were only a few days left before the competition.

And she hasn't even figured out which music to play on the day of the competition yet.

"There were only a few days left. You have to be well-prepared for this. Even if you can't be the last disciple of Malcolm, you have to give a perfect performance. I heard that among the judges of the competition this year, there is a musician who is as skilled as Malcolm. She comes abroad. What's her name again?..." Margot frowned and couldn't remember her name for a while.

"Her name is Aroma." Speaking of Aroma, Yvonne's eyes lit up. And there was ambition showing in her eyes.

Malcolm has already rejected her.

The only chance left for her now is to get Aroma's recognition and appreciation.

If you can become a disciple of Aroma, your international status and popularity will be better than that you have when you are one of Malcolm's disciples.

Although Malcolm is also famous in the world.


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