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The Girl Come Back is Super novel Chapter 894

But now...

She witnessed and heard that Nikita not only knew Director Frank but also Dr. Charles of the National Hospital, and both of them were polite towards her.

Director Frank and Dr. Charles both were powerful people with high status.

Even when they talked to Director Frank, they were polite.

But Nikita...

She always acted calmly and indifferently whoever she faced.

As if she has been used to all this.

Although Director Frank's attitude towards them just now was polite, it can't be a patch on his attitude to Nikita.

Frank was really polite to Nikita.

Polite as he was, he was a little distant.

It was obvious to see his different attitudes.

Margot looked at them stunningly, feeling she choked and that couldn't swallow it and spit it out, so that she was very uncomfortable.

Her face was also hot, as if someone slapped her.

Patrick and Margot stood stiffly, seeing Nikita off together with Director Frank, until she disappeared at the corner. Then they took their sights back.

Both of them was so stunned that they couldn't even spit out a word when looking ta each other.

They know that Nikita is not simple.

They also know that she made friends with some people of great status.


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