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The Girl Come Back is Super novel Chapter 938

"Isn't the best girl of your school called Yvonne?" Felicia said in confusion, "Am I wrong?"

"Yvonne?" Tammy rolled her eyes with disdain. "She has lost this title a long time ago. As for the selection of the best girl in our school this year, Niky was much better than her. Now the best girl of First Senior High School is Niky!"

"Ah, it turns out to be like this." Felicia sipped her lips and then nodded. "In fact, I always felt that Yvonne was not very beautiful. When you told me that she was the best of your school, I doubted that your school had no candidates."

This girl called Nikita deserves this title.

Simply from the aspect of appearance, she looks much more beautiful than Yvonne.

"Don't compare Yvonne with Niky!" Samuel also looked disdainful. "She doesn't even have the qualifications to be compared with Niky."

"Well, do you want to go backstage with me or not?" Nikita sent a message to Manley, Manley was waiting for her at the backstage.

She put away her mobile phone, put her hands in her pockets, raised her head, and looked at them, slightly frowning.

"Yes, yes!" Samuel and Tammy nodded quickly. "Niky, take us with you quickly."

Felicia also nodded together with them in excitement.


Each team has its own lounge.

Manley and others are changing clothes in the locker room, they have asked the assistant to come out to pick up Nikita.

The assistant has also worked for the team for several years. He was working in the team when Nikita was a member of this team.

Although he knows that Nikita will be back today, he is still quite excited because he can meet her again.

"Goddess Nikita, you, you are finally back." The assistant looked at the legendary girl who once brought the whole team to the world champion's stage with her own power, he was red-eyed. He was almost going to cry.


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