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The Heiress’ Return: Six Brothers at Her Beck and Call (Wynter Quinnell) novel Chapter 1322

Chapter 1322 She Thought She Had Won 

Chapter 132 


Chapter 1322 She Thought She Had Won 

It was only then that Kenton noticed a small line under each auction item. He finally understood the gravity of the situation, but it was too late. Yvette had already shouted her price before he could stop her

At that moment, Kenton’s anger was quenched by a chilling wave of dread. He could only hope Wynter had overlooked the detail and that his fears were unfounded

All of a sudden, Wynter calmly raised the bid by one silver coin

What does she mean by that? Can bids be raised by an odd number? Didn’t the rules state that all increases must be in even numbers?” 

While some appeared puzzled by Wynter’s decision, others looked stricken. As Reggie calmly started the countdown, the crowd fell into panic

What should we do? Should we raise the bid?one questioned anxiously

Is it possible? We only have eight silver coins left. We should hold off for the next item,another suggested

But that’s a phone! What’s the use of the phone holder without a phone?someone countered

Oh, come on. The next item might be worth even more,came the counterargument

Amidst the clamor, Reggie caught everyone’s attention with a decisive thump of his hammer. Please remain silent. For those who wish to raise a bid, please hold up your paddle.” 

Yvette didn’t dare to raise her bid. Even if she used up all her silver coins, it wouldn’t be enough since Wynter possessed 12 silver coins

With that said, Yvette remained confident of her victory. As long as Wynter bid more than six silver coins

she would still lead in the coin count

Yvette believed they had little to lose. Though Wynter had claimed the phone, she was certain that she could win the fifth auction item. Under everyone’s watchful eyes, Yvette calmly shook her head

Meanwhile, Kenton was on the verge of breaking down. Noting his agitation, Lucius let out a soft snicker

It seems like you’re quite unsettled, Mr. Wray,Lucius remarked

As Kenton forcibly regained his composure, he hurriedly replied, Not at all. It’s just that this is Ms. Yatesfirst auction. I’m worried she might not be familiar with the rules and end up with a blunder.” 

Oh? Are you talking about the genius trader who’s said to predict the future?Lucius casually questioned

With his opportunity in sight, Kenton quickly explained, Indeed. You might want to hear about her recent achievements, Mr. Darnell. Every stock she has invested in is generating profits. Cascadia is a land bustling with people, so we’re never lacking in speculators

If you join us now, we can capitalize on the market bottom and reap substantial returns! If you doubt my word, you can verify 

your team.” 

I trust your judgment,


Wray,Lucius stated as he glanced at his phone, seemingly waiting for

Kenton was delighted and attempted to discuss the investment, but Lucius cut him off

With a genius like that around, we should heed her advice instead,Lucius remarked amusingly

Unfortunately, Kenton missed the subtlety in Luciuswords. As he turned to Yvette, he couldn’t help 


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