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The Heiress’ Return: Six Brothers at Her Beck and Call (Wynter Quinnell) novel Chapter 1325

Chapter 1325 A Fake Genius 


Chapter 1325 A Fake Genius 

Those who sided with Wynter exchanged knowing glances. While some remained puzzled, others could hardly contain their excitement

Reuben burst into hearty laughter as he beamed at Wynter with pride. As expected of my granddaughter, you’re truly a reminiscence of my younger years. It’s a shame my sights were set in the past

With your sharp instincts and skills, you don’t need to consult Taylor regarding business. He’s still lacking and won’t be able to teach you much.” 

Taylor had a conflicted expression, feeling that Reuben was being unfair. Before Wynter’s arrival, Reuben had praised him for his business acumen. Yet, he was now dismissed as inadequate compared to Wynter

That said, Taylor was genuinely impressed by Wynter’s tactics. Leaving aside the auction’s specifics, she had brilliantly fooled Kenton and his associates with a simple calculation. Taylor could hardly suppress his smile, feeling immensely proud of his niece

Being polite as ever, Wynter responded to Reuben’s comment with sincerity. Even so, I still need to learn from Uncle Taylor. I’d feel more assured if he guided me on certain business matters.” 

Taylor understood that Wynter was honoring him with respect in front of others. In truth, he could already tell Wynter possessed both the talent and experience needed for business. He couldn’t help but wonder if her achievements in Kingbourne were more than just rumors

While some were still bewildered, those who sided with Yvette were on the brink of a breakdown. Instead of admiration, they now gazed at her with doubts and skepticism

Having faced similar stares in Kingbourne, Yvette felt a deep sense of unease and discomfort. She was determined not to return to her miserable life and thought of an excuse to save her own skin

It was all too sudden. I couldn’t make my prediction in time,Yvette explained with a pale face. Though she wasn’t certain if anyone would believe her, she had to take her chances. After all, she did bring them financial returns from stock investments

Despite his infuriation, Kenton had no choice but to cover for Yvette. He still needed her for his grand Ponzi scheme, after all

Kenton hurriedly echoed, It’s true that Ms. Yates didn’t receive a reading in her divination.” 

What should we do now, Mr. Wray? We can’t join the Chamber of Commerce now!some businessmen complained. They had offered sincere gifts to Kenton in exchange for his guarantee of their admission

Kenton’s brooding expression deepened into a scowl in response to their outcry. Quit yapping. We’ve only lost the auction, and the profit ratio has yet to be determined. There’s no need to be so anxious.” 

But how are we going to compete against them with just a phone holder? I don’t understand. If Ms. Yates. is truly as competent as you claim, why didn’t she catch on to Ms. Quinnell’s provocations in the first round

Instead, she ended up spending half of our funds on the first item! Is she truly proficient in business?someone expressed their skepticism

Hearing that, Yvette was seething inside. If Wynter hadn’t tricked her, she wouldn’t be facing such criticism

Kenton took a deep breath and explained, Business is not Ms. Yatesstrong suit. Besides, that girl isn’t as smart as you think. Mr. Whitman Senior probably gave her some pointers.” 

Exactly. I doubt she’ll get far with her schemes,someone echoed

Chapter 1326 Making a Comeback 


Chapter 1326 Making a Comeback 

Spencer Wadford was among the first to defect to the Wray family. At that moment, he had no choice but to follow up Kenton’s statement

Spencer was also the first person Wynter sought to collaborate with, yet he turned her down. If he now admitted that Wynter had outwitted them, he would be seen as a fool

Besides, Yvette had a card up her sleeve. Her ability to foresee stock trends was inimitable in real business

In truth, Spencer backed Kenton merely to get a share of the stock market profits. However, others didn’t share Spencer’s views, especially those who had recognized Wynter’s prowess

Not all business people were easy to fool. One businessman shared his thoughts on Wynter, I believe we must be cautious, Mr. Wray. Judging from Mr. Whitman Senior’s reaction, it’s unlikely he schemed this

That girl is really something. Whether she wins the bid or not, she just needs to place four silver coins during the auction. She must’ve noticed the special rule and has been setting a trap for Ms. Yates from the start.” 

Someone caught on to his words and asked, Are you saying that she’ll play by the rules to ensure she gets both the fourth and fifth items, no matter what? But that’s impossible!” 

It’s possible if she understands our thinking. Remember, she won the second item with only the starting bid,the businessman refuted

The group fell silent. Though the auction rules were basic arithmetics in theory, they knew the real challenge in business lay in mastering such simple calculations. Yet, Wynter skilfully calculated the numbers without anyone realizing

She had deliberately placed a bid that misled others into thinking she yearned for the first auction item. They had foolishly believed they had driven her into a corner, but in fact, she had lured them right into her 


The best hunter often appeared as the prey. From the very beginning, Kenton and his associates were destined to lose. Still, they were puzzled how Wynter had come to know them so well

You’re just scaring yourself. She’s just a vocational student with no higher education. Do you seriously think she understands such concepts?Kenton scoffed, masking his anxiety

He was determined to become the Chamber of Commerce’s chairman. He couldn’t risk having anyone from his side sway othersopinions as it would affect his future investments and voting


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