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The Heiress’ Return: Six Brothers at Her Beck and Call (Wynter Quinnell) novel Chapter 1352

Chapter 1352 His Blunder 

Chloe was boiling with indignation, yet Wynter’s charming face left her at a loss for words. She had never encountered anyone quite as charismatic as Wynter

When Wynter started apologizing, Chloe hurriedly interjected, It’s fine. You might not have my size anyway.” 

Wynter refuted, Nonsense. With such a beautiful figure, you’ll look absolutely stylish in these clothes. Why not give them a try and see how they fit?” 

The conversation took a sharp turn when she abruptly added, I think this sales assistant might be considering a resignation. After all, she can afford to spend 280 dollars on clothes without even trying them on. She must be quite affluent.” 

Vivien made a sour face at Wyner’s remark. Young lady, even if you’re friends with Mr. Whitman, do you think it’s appropriate to meddle in the store’s affairs? I admit I lost my composure earlier

I had just gone through a breakup and wasn’t quite myself today, but I’m sure Mr. Whitman understands my feelings. Please allow me to apologize to this lady. I’m very sorry, miss.” 

Though Vivien’s apologies were loud and clear, her eyes betrayed her indignation. She sincerely believed she hadn’t done anything wrong

That said, she needed the job, which promised a salary of six thousand dollars along with meals and lodging benefits. It was an offer she could never find back in her hometown

Chloe noticed the insincerity in Vivien’s tone but chose to drop the matter. She might have marked the specialty store off her list if it weren’t for Wynter’s appearance

Understanding Chloe’s feelings, Wynter apologized once more and showed her to the dressing room. Upon her return, she found Vivien still in tears while Cyrus looked completely lost

Wynter walked over and stated in a calm voice, Why are you thinking so hard about this? Such an employee would be immediately dismissed from any other store. If it were up to me, I’d have asked her to leave right away.” 

Hearing that, Vivien swiftly turned to Wynter with a scornful glare. Why are you so mean to me? I haven’t. wronged you in any way. I’ve explained I was in a bad mood because of a breakup. Besides, it’s exhausting to work all day in the store. I” 

Just because you’re in a bad mood doesn’t mean you can take it out on the customer. If you’re tired of the job, you can always submit your resignation. You’re paid for the job, and if it’s not working out for you, you can just leave

To be blunt, who do you think you are to belittle a customer just because they’re poor? Is this the kind of training you received? If so, I’m starting to see the Whitman family in a different light,Wynter refuted coldly

Though her words weren’t overly harsh, they weighed heavily on Cyrusheart. He once believed that freedom wasn’t a bad thing and viewed his elders as conservative. After all, young people like him. preferred a laidback lifestyle

The younger generations were known for reshaping workplace culture, often quitting impulsively when dissatisfied with their jobs. Cyrus, too, had always offered the utmost respect and understanding to his employees

However, Cyrus now realized his pursuit of freedom had cost him his reputation and led to a negative 

Chapter 1352 His Blunder 


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