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The Heiress’ Return: Six Brothers at Her Beck and Call (Wynter Quinnell) novel Chapter 200

Chapter 200 Busted 

Wanda had no idea why the front desk staff was behaving as if they didn’t know her

It was her family’s business, after all. She saw no reason as to why she had to get permission to see her 


Nonetheless, she was happy. The livestreaming channel that came with thousands of followers would 

soon be hers

Money from the channel would pour in without her having to do any work. She could forgive the front 

desk staff’s attitude for now

You said to go easy on Wynter by paying her to give up her channel. But we should have just threatened to put her behind bars in the first place


It’s about time she finds out she’s nothing without us,Wanda declared smugly as she set her of 

coffee down on the table

Ewan didn’t care about all that. He only wanted to know one thing. What did Mom say when you showed 

up to negotiate with her?” 

What else? She wanted me to save Wynter, of course,Wanda said nonchalantly. That livestreaming 

channel will be ours in an hour.” 

Ewan quickly poured his wife a cup of tea. And?” 

We get the final say on whether Wynter is released or not.Wanda snorted. Also, whether or not she’ll have a criminal record depends entirely on her attitude at the time of bail

If that brat is still as arrogant as before, then we’ll have her charged for assaulting an officer on duty

The livestreaming channel would be ours by then. The old lady won’t be able to do anything to stop us.” 

Ewan looked pensive as he said, Don’t put Wynter behind bars. I don’t want Mom to get into a dramatic 

mood. She might come over and make a scene over it.” 

We’ll see,” Wanda said as she lifted her chin. Maybe we’ll feel differently wh 

e time comes.” 

So is the livestreaming channel going to be ours for real?Ewan asked, squeezing his wife’s shoulders

The old lady still has the agreement with her,Wanda pointed out

She tapped her screen and added, With all the backlash surrounding Wynter, I doubt the old lady would 

be stupid enough to keep the livestreaming channel

It’s worthless now that its reputation is down the drain.” 

Ewan’s brows furrowed. Won’t that be troublesome for us then?” 

With The Nines Entertainment operating it for us, we’ll be fine. They’ve always been good at manipulating 

the narrative,Wanda pointed out

Chapter 200 busted 

After some contemplation, she said. Besides, the livestreaming channel is gaining clout now that everyone’s condemning it

When we go live tomorrow and the viewers discover we have a new streamer, an expert from the Shepherds, they’ll come around

It’s all the trend these days on the internet,Wanda concluded confidently, taking a sip of tea. By then, we’ll pin all the blame on Wynter

We’ll let everyone know we disapprove of her attitude. All will be fine after that.” 

Ewan wasn’t familiar with how social media and livestreaming worked. However, he felt assured that the Shepherds would be involved. You’re brilliant, Wanda!” 

I know,she chirped, practically buzzing with glee. Now all there’s left to do is to celebrate after we get the agreement.” 


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