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The Heiress’ Return: Six Brothers at Her Beck and Call (Wynter Quinnell) novel Chapter 674

Chapter 674 Target Lock 

You mean to say that he deserves to be exploited just because he is famous,Wynter said slowly

The iciness of her voice made Rachel stutter. 1- IThat’s not what I meant. I’m sure you know how entertainment companies are. We always have to come up with something.” 

Wynter’s gaze darkened a little more. Tanya had approached Rowan with ulterior motives, so her management could spark rumors

Lea seemed like she wanted attention, but what happened in the end was that Rowan was being discussed the most

No matter what happened, Rowan was the most famous. He could be the scapegoat to be blamed, or used by leeching off his fame. He was the best choice

No wonder Wynter could not sense the resentment. It was their ulterior intent that created all these

you half

With that thought in mind, Wynter looked at Rachel with an extremely darkened gaze. I’ll give day to clarify the rumors. Tell the public the truth. Rowan doesn’t know her at all. They were just working on the same film set. Publish all of your tactics online.” 

Rachel reacted dramatically. No! This won’t do!” 

You can choose not to announce it to the public, just like how I can choose to give you funding or choose to destroy you.Wynter’s tone was calm

She was so calm that Rachel shuddered. She did not know why the new CEO was not helping her company’s own artists

Have you fallen for Rowan?This was the only reason Rachel could come up with. After all, it was a rumor in the industry

A wealthy heiress had always been obsessed with Rowan. Whatever project he was in, she would invest in them. Could Wynter be that heiress

What absurd question is this?Wynter did not explicitly clarify her relationship with Rowan. Just do what you’re told.” 

Then, she took the photo and placed it in Tanya’s room. Also, get the company to tell that assistant to come clean and tell the truth. She is so sure that Tanya and Rowan are a couple. This is being used as evidence.” 

Don’t worry. I will do it.Rachel had enough. She only wanted to solve this matter as soon as possible

Upon seeing that Wynter was about to touch Tanya’s shrine, Rachel said, Be careful. That thing’s cursed.” 

At the same time, Wynter had already lifted the red cloth up. There was nothing underneath it

Rachel was surprised. Why is it missing?” 

What is missing?Wynter was looking at the shrine table in detail

Chaple: 674 Target Lock 


Rachel shook her head. “I don’t know either. No one has seen it before. Maybe the investigators took it away. She got this from a chapel. I’m guessing it should be a statue of some sort.” 

It’s a statue. You’ve said it was a statue since the beginning.Wynter asked, You really have not seen it?” 


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