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The Heiress’ Return: Six Brothers at Her Beck and Call (Wynter Quinnell) novel Chapter 676

Chapter 676 Afraid of Wynter 

Hello, Mr. Chenoweth. Our lady would like to have a word with you,Ryan said politely outside the 

interrogation rooms

Michael was an arrogant man. He held onto the case files and said, I don’t know your lady. We have nothing to talk about.” 

No matter how great the Quinnell family was, they would be treated like ordinary folk here. How dare they 

try to pull strings

Just when Michael was about to walk past Ryan, Ryan said something smart. Our lady knows you. Why don’t you hear her out first?” 

Michael thought nothing of that. But since Ryan had already said what he said, he accepted the phone

However, the moment he put the phone to his ear, he regretted it utterly

Have I been away for too long, or have you become bad at what you do?” 

The lazy voice on the other end of the line was extremely familiar! It was almost a nightmare for Michael

His first record he held for many years was broken by an outsider. That person rarely made any appearances too. The only difference from the past was that the person seemed all grown up

Michael looked alarmed. YYou’reYou’re….” 

I’m the one who never lets you win when you analyze case files,Wynter said aloofly

Michael seemed infuriated. What are you trying to do? This case is mine!” 

On principle, your entire department belongs to me.It was quite windy over on Wynter’s end

Michael did not dare to rebuke her. He grabbed his hair in frustration. Aren’t you retired?” 

I’m telling you right now that I’ve returned.Wynter put on her helmet. Furthermore, I’m here to remind you that the person you deem a criminal is my brother.” 

Michael groaned. Since when did you become the heiress to the Quinnell family? Are you doing this on purpose just to crack the case?” 

Calm down, Michael. I’m much more mature than before. The first thing I want to tell you is,Wynter 

paused before continuing, I want to remind you that this case might not even be a murder case

You’re so quick to pin someone for murder. Have you thought about the consequences?” 

Michael was a little stunned. Not murder? Are you trying to say that this was suicide? How is this possible? There was clearly- 

At that moment, he paused/suddenly. Rowan’s prints were indeed at the scene of the crime, but he had 

no motive

If that was the case, even if there were fingerprints, Michael could not be a hundred percent sure that 

Chapter 676 Afraid of Wynter 

Rowan was the murderer. Suicide, howeverMichael had never thought about this



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